February 16, 2022

PA State Senator Doug Mastriano MUST Testify In Front Of Congress


Well, given that Donald Trump named him specifically in that infamous DOJ phone call:


but understand that the DOJ can't + won't snap its fingers + change the outcome of the election, doesn't work that way

Trump answers (p. 4-5 of the notes):


P: "Don't expect you do do that, just say the election was was corrupt + leave the rest to me and the R. Congressmen."

Who are "the R. Congressmen" mentioned in the notes?

That would be Rep Scott Perry and PA State Senator Doug Mastriano.

So yea, I want to hear Doug answer some questions under oath.

And given that Steve Bannon purposely point out the importance of his November 2020 Gettysburg hearing:

Lots happened that Thursday. The York Daily Record reported:

Former Trump political strategist and conservative host of "War Room" podcast Steve Bannon came to Gettysburg Thursday night to speak at the Adams County GOP Eisenhower Dinner.  

This was his first public appearance after the U.S. House voted to hold Bannon in criminal contempt of court when he declined to comply with a subpoena to testify about the Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol.

Anyway, here's more from Panyard:

Before the event, Bannon spoke with Adams County GOP Chair Charlotte Shaffer for his "War Room" news show.

The pair spoke about the 3 November movement, a Trump-centered Republican movement seeking to prove election fraud.

“One of the reasons I accepted the gracious invitation of Charlotte Shaffer, the chairman, was that this was the railhead of where 3 November started, the counter reaction, the great conference,” Bannon said on War Room.

Bannon was referring to an event in Gettysburg at which former Trump adviser Rudy Giuliani publicly protested the election results. Mastriano organized that event as a member of the Pennsylvania Senate Majority Policy Committee.

So yea, I want to hear Doug answer some questions under oath.

Then given PA State Senator Doug Mastriano's dishonesty regarding his movements around The Capitol on January 6:

And let's remember what [PA State Senator Doug Mastriano] initially told The PGH City Paper:

My position on lawlessness is equally as clear. When it was apparent that this was no longer a peaceful protest, my wife and I left the area and made our way out of the area.

And yet

About four minutes and 30 seconds into the interview, Senator Mastriano remarks after leaving the speech and heading towards the West side of the Capitol, he approached a few police officers to ask where to go. The police officers directed him to the East side of the Capitol. According to a detailed timeline and analysis of the minute-by-minute actions of the rioters composed by the New York Times, the crowd at the Trump speech departed heading towards the West side of the Capitol around 12:17 pm. The rioters were already starting to gather there.

Senator Mastriano continues at the five-minute mark in the interview explaining the first signs of seeing “agitators” that were “kind of getting in the face of the police and jiggling the bicycle rack barricades they use.” According to the same New York Times timeline, the first barricades on the West side were breached at 12:53 pm as supporters surrounded the Capitol heading to the East side of the building. Senator Mastriano witnessed the first attempt to breach the Capitol on the West side of the building and still continued to the East side. [Emphasis added.]

So he witnessed the first breach but didn't immediately leave the area?

So yea, for those and for many other things, I want to hear Doug answer some questions under oath.