February 18, 2022

Uh-oh. Wendy Bell Feelings Are HURT! Wendy Bell MAD!

From twitter:

What Wendy sez in that first clip

You don't really have the right, I don't believe, to criticize those of us who care so passionately about this land.

Let me stop you right there, Wendy-kins.

You're a public figure, Wendy,speaking publicly on political and social issues of the day. I have every right to criticize you for what you say.  Your self described patriotism does not make you immune to criticism.

The fact that you seem to think so speaks volumes about how you define free speech.

For example, I have every right to point out to the public (as I did only yesterday) that:

Every time you push misleading "information" onto your audience you're putting their health at risk. Some will get sick because they believe you. Some of them will even die because if it.

That's one of the main reasons I've taken to calling you The Angel of Death. If you think that's "rude or nasty" of me, I really don't care. It doesn't change the fact that the outcome of your spreading misinformation is that everyone's risk is higher.

And if that hurts your feelings (as it seems to have), I'm really not sorry. It's a fact and facts don't care about your feelings.

You do say something I agree with in this video-snippet:

Because it is not an understatement to say that we have a country to save.
I could not agree more. I am pretty sure, however, that we differ on who we need to save it from (hint: it's you.)

Then there's this from the second. After mangling Martin Niemöller's criticism of the Nazis (“First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out…”), she goes on to defend the January 6 insurrection:

And I watch with such disgust the malleged January 6 Commission which is willy-nilly calling in patriots from around America who traveled with love of country in their heart to hear the President speak at the ellipse on January 6 and to try to do what The New York Times did to Sarah Palin in connecting dots that aren't connectable.

But creating this illusion of insurrection.

Sure, Wendy. This was an illusion:

This is what the Committee is investigating. (And BTW, a "committee" and not a "commission" Wendy. If you cared about accuracy then you'd know that.) They're not investigating the people who simply came to the ellipse to hear Trump speak, as per their own words:

The Select Committee is investigating the facts, circumstances, and causes of the January 6th attack and issues relating to the peaceful transfer of power, in order to identify and evaluate lessons learned and to recommend to the House and its relevant committees corrective laws, policies, procedures, rules, or regulations. The inquiry includes examination of how various individuals and entities coordinated their activities leading up to the events of January 6, 2021.
They're investigating the attack itself.  That was an attempted coup.

BTW, those words I quoted from the letter they sent to your good friend PA State Senator Doug Mastriano. The committee seems to think he knows something about some part of the insurrection and so he's been subpoenaed by that committee. 

Did you know that?

Angel of Death. You're on the wrong side of history on so many levels.