March 31, 2022

Quick Question For PA State Senator Doug Mastriano

Did you see this article in the Washington Post?

(That's not the question I want to ask. We're getting to the question I want to ask. It's further down the page.)

The Post article contains these paragraphs:

The criminal investigation into the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol has expanded to examine the preparations for the rally that preceded the riot, as the Justice Department aims to determine the full extent of any conspiracy to stop Congress from certifying Joe Biden’s election victory, according to people familiar with the matter.

In the past two months, a federal grand jury in Washington has issued subpoena requests to some officials in former president Donald Trump’s orbit who assisted in planning, funding and executing the Jan. 6 rally, said the people familiar with the matter, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss an ongoing investigation.

The development shows the degree to which the Justice Department investigation — which already involves more defendants than any other criminal prosecution in the nation’s history — has moved further beyond the storming of the Capitol to examine events preceding the attack.

So they're looking into the "preparations for the rally that preceded the riot" including the "planning, funding and executing" the rally.

It's long been known that:

Campaign finance records show that State Sen. Doug Mastriano’s campaign spent thousands of dollars on charter buses ahead of the Washington D.C. rally that ended with supporters of President Donald Trump violently storming the halls of Congress last week during an insurrection. 

They say it was a couple thousand to Wolf's Bus Lines

Wolf's Bus Lines (at 200 Old US Route 15 York Springs, PA 17372) is in your legislative district, isn't it?

Yes, it is.

So here's my question:

Given that the committee is looking into the preparation/funding for the January 6 rally and given that your campaign chartered some buses for the rally, what do you think the chances are they're looking into your campaign's funding of those buses?

I am a Pennsylvanian and a voter and I'd like an answer to that question.