March 19, 2022

Wendy Bell - She Misgenders. She Deadnames. She's Awful.

Could SWPA's Angel of Death, Wendy Bell, be seen as any worse of a person?

I didn't think so but evidently her application for citizenship in Transphobistan has been approved.

Take a look. We've seen Wendy Bell attack Admiral Rachel Levine:

USAToday has named a biological man one of its "Women of the Year."


The same Dr Levine who moved her own mother - and I can say "his" yes but I'm not going to be petty or get lost in the weeds.

I'll chose your pronoun that you wish, but by golly Dr Levine, you're not a woman.

Yesterday, Wendy went all petty and got completely lost in the weeds:

Welcome back to the Wendy Bell Radio show. I am just going to take the gloves off and I'm done. I'm done playing the game. I've waited long enough. I've danced on the line and I've called Will Thomas "Lia Thomas." I've called him a she.

This is a man. I will not play the leftist game anymore.

So all of you who are on the left who like to record what I talk about and put it up in eight second seg-- you know little snippets on twitter to be outraged, now's your time to record.

I will not play your game anymore.

Note: That last part was a shout-out to my friend Jon - who performs the herculean task of listening to Wendy Bell every day in order to show the world the extent of her grotesque, ignorant, dangerous rants in all their hideous "common sense conservative" glory.

I have no idea where Jon finds the strength. Perhaps it was the working in Augean Stables. Maybe capturing the Cretan Bull. Who knows?

In any event, Wendy was fixated on this story and, according to Jon, Lia Thomas' genitalia.

In fact, in a later video, we can hear Wendy announce:

I'm done. It's Will Thomas - with a penis.
A cis-gendered conservative fixated on a trans woman's genitalia - not surprising for an upstanding citizen of Transphobistan, no?

But this blog post is not about Lia Thomas or Rachel Levine. I am confident that each woman will be more or less OK when all is said and done.

This blog-post is about how dangerous the normalization of such attacks (such as Wendy's) can be to the many many trans individuals out there who aren't in the news as NCAA swimmers, who aren't high-ranking Government officials.

The danger is much broader than that.

Let's start with some definitions:

For people who are transgender, nonbinary, or gender nonconforming, coming into their authentic gender can be an important and affirming step in life.

Sometimes, people continue to refer to a person who is transgender, nonbinary, or gender nonconforming using terms related to how they identified before transition.

This is known as misgendering.

Take a look: Wendy Bell misgendered Admiral Rachel Levine.

Take another look: Wendy Bell is deadnaming Lia Thomas.

Wait. What's deadnaming?

A transgender person may decide to no longer use their birth or legal name. Instead, they’ll choose a name that better aligns with their identity. When someone uses their old name after being asked not to, that is what we call ‘deadnaming.’ The person who they once were is dead, but the new person is alive, so their current name should be used.


[Deadnaming] can remind [a transgender person] of that period in their lives before they could take steps to affirm who they are. Deadnaming might bring them back into those more negative times in their lives. And often, that gender dysphoria (distress that comes from one’s sex assigned at birth not lining up with their true gender identity) can be associated with depression and anxiety.

So why is this dangerous?

Well, this

In one of the largest and most diverse studies of transgender youths to date, researchers led by a team at The University of Texas at Austin have found that when transgender youths are allowed to use their chosen name in places such as work, school and at home, their risk of depression and suicide drops.

“Many kids who are transgender have chosen a name that is different than the one that they were given at birth,” said author Stephen T. Russell, professor and chair of human development and family science. “We showed that the more contexts or settings where they were able to use their preferred name, the stronger their mental health was.”

The study in the Journal of Adolescent Health was published this week in advance of Saturday’s annual Transgender Day of Visibility.

Researchers interviewed transgender youths ages 15 to 21 and asked whether young people could use their chosen name at school, home, work and with friends. Compared with peers who could not use their chosen name in any context, young people who could use their name in all four areas experienced 71 percent fewer symptoms of severe depression, a 34 percent decrease in reported thoughts of suicide and a 65 percent decrease in suicidal attempts.

Normalizing deadnaming increases human suffering, Wendy. 

You deadnamed Lia Thomas. How many of your adorings do you think now feel it's a little more OK to misgender/deadname trans people from here on out? How do you think that will infect the lives of those around them?

Will it make them better people? Will it make for a safer space for the trans people in their surroundings?

Congratulations, Wendy. The answer to both questions is no. Your lack of simple human empathy is disturbing.

You're an awful person, Wendy Bell.