April 22, 2022

And Now Science Speaks

From KFF we read:

As of mid-April 2022, nearly 1 million people in the U.S. have died of COVID-19. COVID-19 vaccines that are free, safe, and highly effective have been widely available to all adults in the U.S. since early May 2021. Older and higher-risk adults in the U.S. had access to these vaccines months earlier. Therefore, by June 2021, adults in the U.S. could have been fully vaccinated and protected from most cases of severe illness or death due to COVID-19.

In this analysis, we estimate the number of adult deaths that could have been prevented by timely vaccination. We find that approximately 234,000 deaths since June 2021 could have been prevented with primary series vaccination. These vaccine-preventable deaths represent 60% of all adult COVID-19 deaths since June 2021, and a quarter (24%) of the nearly 1 million COVID-19 deaths since the pandemic began.

I wonder if The Angel of Death read this, too.

She should be so proud of herself.

Back to the report:

Overall, we find that from June 2021 through March 2022, approximately 234,000 lives could have been saved with a primary series of COVID-19 vaccines. These preventable deaths represent 60% of all adult COVID-19 deaths since June 2021, when vaccines became widely available, and 24% of the nearly 1 million COVID-19 deaths since the pandemic began.

That's more than a quarter million.

How many of these deaths occurred in Pennsylvania? 

Now, let's go take a look at what Wendy Bell, our Angel of Death has been saying since June of 2021:

  • June 1, 2021 - Wendy gets fact checked by an actual medical expert from Health Feedback over in France for her misuse of the VAERS database.
  • June 2, 2021 - Wendy gets fact checked by FB over her misuse of the VAERS database.
  • June 6, 2021 - Wendy reacts negatively to the June 1 fact check and tells a sad story from her childhood.
  • June 11, 2021 - Wendy misinterprets a pro-vaccine study for her audience to push them away from getting vaccinated.
  • June 15, 2021 - Wendy again misinforms her audience with numbers from the VAERS database.
  • June 22, 2021 - Wendy misinforms with VAERS. Again.
  • June 26, 2021 - Wendy misinforms about a "likely link" between the vaccines and a rare heart condition.

An estimated 234,000 unvaccinated people have died of Covid-19 since June of 2021. How many of them by choice?

She's been lying to the public since well before June of 2021 so I have to ask, how much of Wendy's medical misinformation can be attributed to those deaths?

Wendy Bell, der Todesengel.