April 25, 2022

Look At This! (Mastriano & The QAnons)

From Mediamatters:

Numerous Republicans, including Pennsylvania gubernatorial contender Doug Mastriano, are scheduled to speak at a conference hosted by podcast hosts and QAnon conspiracy theorists Allen and Francine Fosdick. The Fosdicks have promoted conspiracy theories alleging Jewish people, led by the Rothchilds, have been manipulating events such as wildfires through “space weather” and lasers; aim to subjugate the human race; and have evil “bloodlines” with other prominent Jewish people.  

Allen and Francine Fosdick host the online program Up Front In The Prophetic. The Fosdicks have pushed numerous conspiracy theories over the years, including repeatedly promoting QAnon. Their website currently features numerous links promoting Pizzagate, the conspiracy theory that prominent Democrats have trafficked children through a Washington, D.C., restaurant. 

The Fosdicks announced that they are hosting a conference on April 22-23 in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, featuring “conservative leaders and upcoming representatives that put America First.” The list of scheduled speakers include Mastriano, who is also a conservative commentator, state senator, and QAnon supporter; Pennsylvania lieutenant governor candidate Teddy Daniels; Pennsylvania U.S. Senate candidate Kathy Barnette; commentator and former Trump lawyer Jenna Ellis; Trump spokesperson Liz Harrington; and Maryland delegate and QAnon-supporting gubernatorial candidate Dan Cox

And here's a tweet advertising the event:

The Facebook Page for the event says it was hosted by Lt Gov Candidate Teddy Daniels.

As we all know both Pennsylvania State Senator Doug Mastriano and Attorney Jenna Ellis have been subpoenaed by the January 6 Committee.

But enough of that. Let's take a few minutes to look at some of the other names on that poster.

We'll start with Dr Betsey Eads:

Dr. Elizabeth Eads is on the frontline of medicine, treating patients who have been injected with the experimental CV19 so-called “vaccines.”  Dr. Eads is now seeing first-hand Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, commonly referred to as AIDS.  Let that sink in.  Dr. Eads explains, “Yes, we are seeing vaccine related acquired immunodeficiency in the hospital now from the triple vaxed. . . . It is a vax injury, and we are not really certain how to treat this.  We are kind of throwing the kitchen sink at it. . . . .We are trying to use everything we can think of to boost up the CD4 and CD8 counts and reverse this collapse or calamity of this immune collapse.  It’s very stunning.”

Dr. Eads says it is particularly bad in the double CV19 vaxed and boosted.  She calls the third injection “The Kill Shot, the Money Ball or whatever you want to call it.  It is just devastating to the immune system, and I’ll tell you why.  If you look at the recent Stanford study, and I am just going to read a couple of sentences from the Stanford study:  ‘The spike protein in the CV19 vaccines that everyone is talking about is called the Lentivirus.  The Lenti contains a combination of HIV, types one through three, SRV/1, which is AIDS, MERS and SARS.  In the Stanford study, the best-known Lentivirus is the human immune deficiency pathogen, which causes AIDS.  This is why we are seeing autoimmune and neurodegenerative decline after the Covid 19 (Vax) especially the booster. . . . It permanently changes the genome of the cell.  That is why this is so terrifying to us in the medical community.  We just don’t know how to attack this.”

Of course, this is bullshit:

A viral article from Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com claims that “millions get AIDS” from COVID-19 vaccines and features an interview with Dr. Elizabeth Eads, a frequent purveyor of vaccine misinformation. She has promoted false vaccine information on Twitter as well as other platforms. She appeared on a podcast in September 2021 to discuss the false claim that the vaccines cause “viral shedding,” a claim we have fact-checked before. 

In the interview, Eads references a Stanford study as evidence for her claim that the COVID vaccines cause “autoimmune and neurodegenerative decline.” She also claims that COVID-19 vaccines are infecting people with HIV.

And about that "spike protein in the CV19 vaccines that everyone is talking about" there's this:

Robert Garry, a Tulane University virologist, addressed many of Eads’ false claims in an email interview with The Dispatch Fact Check, calling this point “nonsense.”

Garry explained that “the C19 vaccines contain neither the SARS-Cov-2 Spike itself or mRNA that induces your cells to produce the SARS-coV-2 Spike.” Furthermore, there “are no retroviruses or lentiviruses in any of the C19 vaccines in use.” Some scientists “have suggested using lentivirus vectors to deliver the SARS-Cov2 spike as a vaccine” but “none of the approved vaccines use this approach.”

Then there's Pastor Shane Vaughn:

Pastor Shane Vaughn criticized Christians who wear masks for living their life in fear, not faith, and said God told him COVID-19 is "never leaving" until people "get that faith."

Vaughn, the co-founder of First Harvest Ministries in Mississippi, said on Sunday that God spoke to him about COVID-19, calling it the "spirit of the antichrist." He called it a test for "God's weak, anemic church," and advocated for people to stop wearing masks, trust in God and not vaccines and not be afraid of dying of COVID-19.

Then there's Teddy Daniels himself:

Looks like Teddy Daniels got closer to Trump's insurrection than even Doug Mastriano did!

Oh, Doug endorsed Daniels to be his running mate in January.

On the Fosdicks themselves and about their previous Patriots Arise event, there's this from the ADL:

Allen and Francine Fosdick: Run a pro-QAnon religious podcast “Up Front in the Prophetic” and hosted a QAnon-oriented event, Patriots Arise: Awakening the Dead!”, in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, in June. In a July 16 Telegram post for their show, they focused on the COVID-19 vaccine, writing, “They are trying to stop the message of the truth about the experimental jab, saying it’s misinformation! They are panicking! Keep spreading the "truth guys!!!"
You know who would've been perfect for this rally? Robert David Steele. QAnon believer, anti-vaxx pronouncer, the whole shebang.

I suspect I know at least one reason why he wasn't scheduled for that rally.

He died of Covid last summer.

As we've posted recently, KFF published a study estimating that 234,000 Americans have died since vaccines were fully available. How many of these folks died because they believed the anti-vaxxers scheduled to talk at that Patriots Arise rally?

Shame on them.