April 11, 2022

So Ali Alexander (Of "Stop The Steal") Is Cooperating - Does Doug Mastriano Know?

On Friday, The New York Times posted this:

Ali Alexander, a prominent organizer of pro-Trump events after the 2020 election, has agreed to cooperate with the Justice Department’s investigation of the attack on the Capitol last year, the first high-profile political figure known to have offered assistance to the government’s newly expanded criminal inquiry.


The grand jury subpoena Mr. Alexander received suggests that prosecutors have greatly widened the scope of their inquiry to include not only people who were at the Capitol, but also those who organized and spoke at pro-Trump events in November and December 2020 and on Jan. 6, 2021.

In an indication that the inquiry could reach into the Trump administration and its allies in Congress, the subpoena also seeks information about members of the executive and legislative branches who were involved in the events or who may have helped to obstruct the certification of the 2020 election.

Mr. Alexander took part in two so-called Stop the Steal rallies in Washington that preceded the former president’s event at the Ellipse, near the White House, on Jan. 6 — one on Nov. 14, 2020, and the other a few weeks later on Dec. 12 — as well as events in the key swing state of Georgia in December.

We've already seen that Mr Alexander has been subpoenaed by the January 6 committee. In that committee's press release we find this:

According to documents provided to the Select Committee, an organization named “One Nation Under God” submitted a permit application in December 2020 to the U.S. Capitol Police for a rally about “the election fraud in the swing states” to be held on the U.S. Capitol Grounds on January 6th, 2021.


After the January 6th attack, Mr. Alexander released a statement acknowledging that Stop the Steal had obtained the rally permit “for our ‘One Nation Under God’ event.” Mr. Alexander explained that it was the intention of Stop the Steal to direct attendees of the rally on the Ellipse to march at the conclusion of that rally to Lot 8 on the U.S. Capitol Grounds, which is the location for which the Capitol Police granted the permit for the “One Nation Under God” rally. Yet the permit application estimated the event would have only 50 attendees.

Well, we found that permit

And guess whose name is listed on it?

Page 17 of the pdf has a list (as of December 30, 2020) of the speakers at that rally:

PA State Senator Doug Mastriano is on the list (marked "To be confirmed") of speakers.

Hey, do you see that Rose Tennent is also on that list? Does KDKA Radio know this?

Anyway, back to Ali and the DOJ.

The DOJ says that Mr Alexander was part of another "Stop The Steal" rally that took place on December 12, 2020.

Guess what?

Doug Mastriano spoke at that rally. C-Span has video.

So there's two rallies tied to both Ari Alexander (who's cooperating with the DOJ about Trump's attempted coup) and PA State Senator Doug Mastriano.

Senator, do any of these connections concern you at all? Are you concerned that your name might possibly come up in Mr Alexander's discussions with the DOJ?

The Times reported:

While it remains unclear what Mr. Alexander might tell the grand jury, he was intimately involved in the sprawling effort to mount political protests challenging the results of the election, and had contacts with other organizers, extremist groups, members of Congress and, according to the House committee investigating Jan. 6, White House officials during the period after Election Day.

Are you one of those contacts, Senator?

Did you ever meet Ari Alexander? Discuss the election with Ari Alexander? Discuss anything that had anything to do with the "Stop The Steal" rallies with Ari Alexander?

I am a Pennsylvanian and a voter and I'd like answers to these questions.