April 4, 2022

This Weekend Wendy Bell Tried Her Hand At Trolling

An astute reader sent me this over the weekend:

And let me remind y'inz that I wasn't able to see The Angel of Death's tweet first hand because Wendy, that champion of free speech, that anti-cancel culture activist, she who invited me on her show a number of times, has, in her infinite wisdom on such matters, blocked me on Twitter.

Way to go Wendy. You're so wicked smaht.

Anyway back to Wendy's newbie-Trolling.

Before we continue let me point out that I don't speak for the AG.  I'm not affiliated with him in any way - not attached to his office nor his campaign nor am I a even member of his political party.

So where was AG Shapiro during Covid? 

Luckily last year he posted an answer about what he did for the state that first year:

More recently, there was this:

Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro announced a settlement Friday with the founder and CEO of Philly Fighting COVID — the inexperienced organization whose failed coronavirus vaccine partnership with the city last year led to national embarrassment — banning him from working with charities in the commonwealth and requiring him to destroy any personal information he collected from those preregistering for the jab.

Shapiro is also seeking $30,000 in restitution from the organization and its founder, Andrei Doroshin. That money will be distributed to organizations providing COVID-19 testing and vaccination to disadvantaged communities in Philadelphia, Shapiro said in a news release. If Doroshin fails to pay the sum by Sept. 5, he will be charged an additional $30,000 in costs and penalties.

I found those after about 20 seconds of googling. So I'm guessing he did a lot during Covid.

And what did Wendy Bell do?

Wendy Bell declared Covid over in May of 2020:

...let's look at how Wendy Bell's still going to get some people killed. This was found yesterday on her Facebook page:

Covid is officially over. Signs on the floor are gone. Santized carts are no more. Limits on chicken, scratched.

Like the Israeli mathmetician said and our governor never heard... the cycle is 70 days. [Misspellings in original.]
Of course, she's completely and dangerously wrong.

Obviously, both Wendy and that mathematician were both wrong.  About 980,000 times wrong.

And as of this writing, that Facebook posting is still live.

Way to go. Wicked smaht.

Wendy Bell also repeatedly lied to her audience about the VAERS database and how Ivermectin was successfully used in India to treat Covid.

Some examples:

December 10, 2021 - the VAERS lie.

October 22, 2021 - the ivermectin in India lie.

Then there was this, general multipurpose list of lies about the vaccines, from April 23, 2021.
The lesson here is that every time she did this over the last few years, every time she lied about the virus or the vaccines she moved members of her audience away from taking them seriously.

And then, sadly, this happened:

A woman named Kay, who lived in Greene County with her husband of 37 years and who so approved the Wendy and Brock show that she linked to them daily when their show was still on Facebook, has died of Covid-19.

She died January 17.

As I said, this is immensely sad.  "I told you so" (if aimed at Kay) is not an option here. Let me say that again "I told you so" is not an option. A human being has died. A family is grieving. Chuckling at their grief is just cruel.

Yes she was on the wrong side of some very stupid choices. But would she have made them were it not for Wendy Bell's incessant crooning of Covid misinformation?

I think not.
 Wendy Bell, that's what you did during Covid.