April 10, 2022

Wendy Bell Is Just Awful For So Many Reasons

Even when she's not exercising her duties as the (or at least an) Angel of Death, Wendy Bell is just an awful human being.

Case in point:

We join Wendy mid-screed:

I've been paying attention of these of these trans, asexual, binary wha--. There's so many ridiculous things happening that are so nonsensical.

The crux of these people is that they've been bullied. Or that something terrible has happened to them and they are pushing back again--.

I don't know anybody who's been bullied. Certainly not that I know of and I am friends with several gay couples.

Like where is this terrible behavior happening? Who's being tortured? Who's being abused? Who's being emotionally compromised?

What's going on? Why is there such angst?

Where is this bullying?

The bullying is happening in prisons and in homes as Jerry Perna (sic) illustrated across America.

That's called bullying.

Not that you're a blue-haired multi-pierced tattooed person who's overweight and unhappy and probably needs a therapist more than they need special rights from Disney.

And yet, we're told that "these people" this particular box-checking campaign on the extreme left - this is where we need to pay our attention.

No. No it's not. Because there's actual palpable malfeasance and evil and wrong and bullying happening.

700 people face charges because of the 2 hours that were January 6.

People who walked into the Capitol Rotunda took some pictures within the velvet ropes and walked out and that was it.

Who face 20 years in prison!

There are two facets to Wendy's noxious ignorance showing here:

  • The anti-LGBTQ bigotry
  • The January 6 revisionism

Let's go in order.

Wendy Bell doubts the existence of anti-LGBTQ bullying because she's never seen any and she verifies her position by saying that she's friends with "several gay couples."

And as Stephen Colbert once said, "Global warming isn't real because I was cold today! Also great news: World hunger is over because I just ate!"

But let's look at some statistics for LGBTQ bullying. From the CDC:

Lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) youths experience more violence victimization and suicide risk than heterosexual youths (1–3). In 2015, CDC’s Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS) added two new questions to the national questionnaire regarding sexual identity and sexual behavior. These questions facilitated the first nationally representative estimates of the health behaviors and experiences of sexual minority youths (students who identify as LGB or those who have sexual contact with persons of the same or both sexes) and affirmed the presence of substantial health disparities (i.e., differences in health outcomes between social groups driven by unequal social or environmental circumstances) in violence victimization and suicide risk between LGB and heterosexual youths . Findings from the 2017 Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) revealed that LGB high school students experienced more bullying at school (33% among LGB students and 17% among heterosexual students), more sexual dating violence by dating partners (LGB, 16%; heterosexual, 6%), and more suicide attempts (LGB, 23%; heterosexual, 5%) (3) than their heterosexual peers. [Emphasis added.]

There's your bullying, Wendy. You're free to scientifically refute it, of course. But in order to do that you'll have to produce something more substantial than "I've never seen it and I have gay friends." 

This is the difference between evidence that's anecdotal and evidence that's actual evidence.

If you can't produce actual evidence refuting the CDC's report then you have to accept the validity of the CDC report.

And then you'll have to admit that the bullying of the LGBTQ community is real and it is harmful.

Wendy then pivots from her anti-LGBTQ bigotry to January 6 revisionism by declaring the real bullying that's going in targets those in jail for participating in Trump's attempted coup.

She then references the story of Matthew (not Jerry) Perna.

Wendy couldn't even get his name right.

Anyway, this is Matthew Perna:

A Capitol rioter died by suicide as he was awaiting sentencing on charges of witness tampering, entering and remaining in a restricted building or grounds and two counts of disorderly conduct, officials said.

“Matthew Lawrence Perna died on February 25, 2022 of a broken heart,” his family said in an obituary. “His community (which he loved), his country, and the justice system killed his spirit and his zest for life.”

The Mercer County Coroner’s Office confirmed to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette that Perna, 37, of Sharpsville, Pennsylvania, died by suicide. NBC News has reached out to the coroner for comment.

I am very sorry to learn that Perna committed suicide. The psychological pressure he was facing must have been overwhelming. I am sorry for the pain his family and friends must be feeling as a result of his suicide.

And of course if we can assume that Wendy is still talking about Perna at the end of that clip (and I think it's safe to do so) Wendy gets Perna's story wrong. 

He was not simply walking around the Rotunda taking pictures behind the velvet ropes and walking out.

This is among the charges he pled guilty to and for which he was awaiting sentencing:

The defendant knew at the time he entered the U.S. Capitol Building that that he did not have permission to enter the building and the defendant did so with the intent to impede, disrupt, or disturb the orderly conduct of a session of Congress.


The defendant knew at the time he entered the U.S. Capitol Building that he did not have permission to enter the building. The defendant, in concert with others, obstructed, influenced, and impeded an official proceeding, that is, a proceeding before Congress, specifically, Congress's certification of the Electoral College vote as set out in the Twelfth Amendment of the Constitution of the United States and 3 U.S.C. §§ 15-18.

Something a little more serious than taking pictures behind a velvet rope, doncha think, Wendy?

I am sorry Matthew Perna committed suicide. Wendy you should apologize to the LGBTQ community for the doubt you sewed about the very real bullying members of that community face every day.

But I know you won't.