June 21, 2022

Um, Brock? I Think Your Boss Wendy Bell Just Questioned Your Manhood

On her FB page yesterday, here's what award-winning journalist Wendy Bell wrote:

On Father’s Day… it’s good to see a man get his inner Rambo on. Thanks to my friend Brock Schneider for always having my six and becoming armed and masculine!! [Emphasis added.]

Um, what?

What did the noxious Wendy Bell think of Brock before he "became" armed?

And what's that "inner Rambo" crap? Has she not actually seen the movie or read the book it's based on?

The character John Rambo was a decorated Vietnam veteran, a Green Beret, who's tormented by his experiences in Vietnam and is only pushed back into brutal blood soaked violence by the harassment of local law enforcement. They draw first blood and he kills lots of police officers.

Is that what she's celebrating in Brock?

Does The Angel of Death really think that Brock (or any man for that matter) becomes more masculine simply by shooting an AR-15 into a target? On Fathers' Day??

Does she not realize that that's part of the problem?