August 17, 2022

And Now, Jenna Ellis To Testify In Georgia?

Yestiddy, we noted that State Sen (and now GOP cand for PA Gov) Doug Mastriano's misinformation buddy, Rudy Giuliani, has been notified that he is the target of a criminal investigation.

I say "buddy" because of this

At the request of Senator Doug Mastriano (R-Adams/Cumberland/Franklin/York), the Senate Majority Policy Committee is holding a public hearing Wednesday to discuss 2020 election issues and irregularities. The hearing will feature former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani.

CNN reports:

Rudy Giuliani, who was told by Atlanta prosecutors that he is a target in their probe of former President Donald Trump’s 2020 election subversion schemes, is scheduled to appear for grand jury testimony in the investigation on Wednesday.


Of interest to the Atlanta investigators are hearings before Georgia lawmakers where Giuliani and other Trump allies promoted conspiracy theories about supposed 2020 election-rigging. At a December, 3, 2020, Georgia Senate subcommittee hearing, Giuliani played heavily edited video of Fulton County election workers, and he urged the legislators to appoint a slate of pro-Trump electors in disregard of the statewide results showing that Joe Biden had won. He also appeared virtually before a Georgia House committee to discuss alleged election irregularities on December 10, 2020. 
Doug's hearing (as you can see above) was only a few days before - November 25, 2020.

Also yestiddy, we posted Lancasteronline's rundown of Rudy's misstatements

This is where things get important for today.

Sitting next to Rudy at that November, 2020 hearing was Jenna Ellis, now "senior legal advisor" to Doug Mastriano.

Small world huh.

But wait, that's not all.

The AP (by way of NBC News) is reporting:

A judge in Colorado on Tuesday ordered a legal adviser for former President Donald Trump’s campaign to travel to Georgia to testify before a special grand jury that’s looking into whether Trump and others illegally tried to influence the 2020 election in Georgia.

Rudy and Jenna are ordered to Georgia to testify about their involvement in Trump's plan to overturn the 2020 election - specifically in Georgia.

Rudy and Jenna played a similar (though obviously not identical) role in Trump's plan here in Pennsylvania - all with Doug Mastriano's help.

Doug, Doug! This does not look good for you, my friend. With so much Trump taint on them, how much of it must be on you?

As Liz Cheney once said:

There will come a day when Donald Trump is gone, but your dishonor will remain.