August 24, 2022

Doug Mastriano Is Still Lying About The Nursing Homes

Just yesterday St. Sen. (and now GOP Cand for PA Gov) Doug Mastriano tweeted this:

And it's a lie.

It's been a lie since the AP published this on July 5 - seven full weeks ago:

Doug Mastriano, Pennsylvania’s Republican nominee for governor, has made a campaign staple out of the allegation that Democratic Gov. Tom Wolf’s policy of readmitting COVID-19 patients from hospitals to nursing homes caused thousands of deaths — a baseless claim for which no investigator or researcher has provided any evidence.

In fact, layers of inspections by researchers have pointed to entirely something different — nursing home employees ushering in the virus every day — while investigators found administrators flouting staffing requirements or infection-control procedures.

Further, no Pennsylvania nursing home has leveled any such claim like Mastriano’s, and a national nursing home trade association has agreed with the findings of researchers who say the spread of the virus in nursing homes directly correlated to community spread.

49 days doesn't magically change a falsehood into a truth, Doug.

49 days ago the AP story spread across the land:

Morning Call posted the AP story.

Delco Times posted the AP story.

York Dispatch posted the AP story.

Harrisburg TV station ABC 27 posted the AP story.

Bedford Gazette posted the AP story.

Military News posted the AP story.

I posted the AP story.

Does Doug Mastriano not think we have memories?