August 8, 2022

More On PA State Senator Doug Mastriano's Upcoming 1/6 Testimony.

From The Philadelphia Inquirer:

State Sen. Doug Mastriano, the Republican nominee for governor in Pennsylvania, has a date Tuesday with the congressional committee investigating the deadly Jan. 6, 2021, U.S. Capitol attack.

Whether he answers questions during that deposition is still an open question.

Mastriano is worried about the impact on his campaign if video recordings of what he has to say are made public in edited clips.

His lawyer, Timothy Parlatore, insists on recording Mastriano’s deposition, scheduled to be done by teleconference Tuesday. The Select Committee rejected that this week.

What's Doug scared of?

Well, we get an idea from his lawyer's letter to the committee

But what did the Acting-SECDEF say?

Well, this:

From The Bulwark:

In the audio clip, a questioner asks Miller whether there is “any accuracy” to Meadows’s statement. Miller’s reply:

Not from my perspective. I was never given any direction or order or knew of any plans of that nature. So, I was surprised by seeing that publicly . . . we obviously had plans for activating more folks, but that was not anything more than contingency planning. There was no official message traffic or anything of that nature.

Miller: “A non-military person probably could have some sort of weird interpretation, but no, to answer your question, that was not part of my plan or the Department of Defense’s plan.”

Questioner: “To be crystal clear, there was no direct order from President Trump to put 10,000 troops ‘to be on the ready’ for January 6th, correct?”

Miller: “That’s correct. There was no direct—there was no order from the president.”

What's the "false partisan narrative" here? Miller is testifying here under oath contradicting Donald Trump who claimed to have "immediately" deployed the National Guard.

It's only when you already believe the lie (i.e. Trump's false narrative) that Miller's testimony becomes "a false partisan narrative."

Which one was said under oath?

We'll see what happens tomorrow, I guess.