October 31, 2022

Doug Mastriano Is Lying To You. Again. This Time on Fox "News"

October 29, 2022 Fox "News" gave St Sen (and GOP cand. for PA Gov) Doug Mastriano a platform to say this that and the other bits of Mastriano-speak.

One of those things was this:

After all, [PA AG Josh Shapiro] is the same man who took Catholic nuns to court to force them to defy their religious convictions.  

And with that Doug Mastriano lied to all those viewers on Fox "News" - not that they'd do the work to see it, however.

It is Fox "News" we're talking about here. Home of Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson.

That charge about Shapiro and the nuns actually scored a three on the Washington Post Pinocchio test. 

Basically because Doug said Josh took the nuns to court and the reality is this:

“Pennsylvania did not sue the Little Sisters,” said Douglas Laycock, a University of Virginia law professor and leading authority on the law of religious liberty. Shapiro “sued the federal government, and the Little Sisters intervened.”

The Post's analysis:

The fact remains: The nuns sued to join a case that was aimed at the federal government; Shapiro did not sue the nuns. Mastriano is falsely claiming otherwise. Given that the Little Sisters ended up as a litigant, we can’t quite say this is worthy of Four Pinocchios. But Mastriano earns Three. [Emphasis added.]

Doug Mastriano is lying.

And then there's this:

On day one, I will restore common sense to our education system by banning the Critical Race and Gender Theory Studies in Pennsylvania schools.

There's only one problem with this plan:

The Pennsylvania Department of Education says critical race theory is not being taught in public schools. 


Critical Race Theory is not part of or taught in any state required curriculum. Equity, inclusion, and belonging in education helps create spaces for ALL learners and staff to be their authentic selves. Discussions about cultures and identities in education are important to ensure equitable access for ALL learners. [Emphasis added.]

And so on.

CRT is not taught in the public schools.

But Doug's promise presumes that it is.

That is a lie.

Doug Mastriano is lying to you about CRT and about The Little Sisters of the Poor.