October 4, 2022

Hey, Wendy. It's Been A While, Huh? (You're Still Getting Your Facts WRONG, Wendy Bell)

I know. I know. It's been a long long time since I've written about The Angel of Death.

Odd as that sounds, there are scarier threats to The Republic - Wendy Bell's BFF Doug Mastriano being one.

In any event, had you sauntered, meandered, wandered or otherwise stumbled over to Wendy Bell Radio and found her BS Boards recently, you would have seen this: 

Oh, Wendy. Have you learned nothing in our time together?

Here's the quotation that Wendy Bell, ace-researcher and really really smart person, attributes to Dostoevsky: 

Tolerance will reach such a level that intelligent people will be banned from thinking so as not to offend the imbeciles.
There's a problem here, isn't there?

You know there is.

Here it is: I'm sorry, Wendy but Dostoevsky never said or wrote that. I hope that doesn't hurt your feelings but, as we all know, facts don't care about your feelings.

How do I know that this isn't Dostoevsky?


We found no evidence that Dostoevsky ever said or wrote this particular quote. 

Lead Stories Factcheck:

Did the 19th century Russian novelist Fyodor Dostoevsky say or write this prediction: "Tolerance will reach such a level that intelligent people will be banned from thinking so as not to offend the imbeciles"? No, that's not true: This quote has only recently been incorrectly attributed to "Dostoievski" on social media and there are no records of Dostoevsky writing it. For several years, memes bearing a virtually identical quote in the Russian language have appeared paired with images from the1988 Russian made-for-TV film titled, "Heart of a Dog" based on the 1925 book of the same name by Mikhail Bulgakov. The quote does not appear in the writing of Bulgakov, or in the screenplay of the 1988 TV film written by Natalia Bortko.

Memes including portraits of Dostoevsky paired with this quote began appearing on Facebook in July of 2021 on anti-vaccine activists' social media accounts.

Ah. Well that (perhaps) explains how Wendy found this embarrassing misquote.

Doesn't Brock fact-check your work? Did he ever? Shouldn't someone?

On the other hand, the quote does explain the thrice-fired and now disgraced former "journalist" we see before us. I'm just not sure she understands where she's to be found in the non-Dostoevsky.

This is the woman who routinely lied to her many fans in order to steer them away from the safe and effective vaccines that could protect them.

How many people got sick, Wendy, because they paid attention to your non-science?