November 18, 2022

Mastriano Lost And He's Still Lying About His Loss.

Let's start here:

So just HOW WRONG was this? Ryan Deto (above) has the facts about the real numbers of votes.

But what about how those numbers relate as percentages of the total?

Let's look there (these are Wikipedia numbers, BTW).


Shapiro: 3,000,503 votes or 56.3% of votes cast

Mastriano: 2,230,260 votes or 41.9% of the votes cast


Wolf: 1,920,355 votes or 54.9% of votes cast

Corbett: 1,575,511 votes or 45.1% of the votes cast


Corbett: 2,172,763 votes or 54.5% of votes cast

Onorato: 1,814,788 votes or 45.5% of the votes cast


Rendell: 1,913,235 votes or 53.4% of votes cast

Fisher: 1,589,408 votes or 44.4% of the votes cast

If my numbers are accurate, of the previous 6 gubernatorial elections in Pennsylvania (2022, 2018, 2014, 2010 and 2006) fully half of the losers in each race (see above) got a larger percentage of the total vote than did Doug Mastriano in 2022.

Let's see. 

Doug got the real numbers wrong and the numbers as percentages wrong. 

Gets me to thinking that his trying to muster up some sort of popularity cred by pointing out his factoid without any context makes St Sen (and failed GOP cand. for PA Gov) Doug Mastriano doubly dishonest about his massive massive embarrassing loss.