November 10, 2022

Things Only A Few Days Old That Did NOT Age Well

This, for instance:

 Or this:

Or this:

“We had Josh Shapiro putting out an ad on me, condemning me because I’m very Trump-like. Thank you very much for that ad. This is going to be a huge red wave in November,” Mastriano told Steve Bannon on his show on Monday.

As of this writing The NY Times has:

  • Shapiro: 2,958,399 (56.1%)
  • Mastriano: 2,220,692 (42.1%)

A difference of about seven hundred and thirty-seven thousand votes. This is with 95% of the votes in so expect the numbers to shift a little.

But still. That's a huge margin. 

When will failed GOP cand. Doug Mastriano concede?