December 29, 2022

More Digging Into The 1/6 Committee Report (An Ongoing Project)

Ok, so take a look at this from The Report:

Within days of the election, dozens of “Stop the Steal” protests were organized around the country. The Proud Boys participated alongside other right-wing extremist groups in some of them, including a November 7, 2020, protest outside of the Pennsylvania State capitol in Harrisburg.106 The two events in Washington, DC—on November 14, 2020, and the other on December 12, 2020—proved to be especially important for the group’s evolution. (p. 509)

That raised "106" is an endnote that leads to this

After news networks declared President Donald Trump the loser of the 2020 election on Saturday, about 2,000 of his supporters gathered here in the capital of Pennsylvania — a must-win state the president lost — for a heavily armed pity party.  


[Rep. Dan Mueser (R-Pa.)] was surrounded by fascists. To his left, a man waved a flag for the anti-Semitic white nationalist movement known as America First. To his right, a man clad in black held a sign that read “Standing Back And Standing By For Our President” — a reference to when Trump, asked at a debate to condemn the Proud Boys, instead told them to “stand back and stand by.” 

This is what it looked like:

You should note the "flag for the anti-Semitic white nationalist movement known as America First" flying just behind Mueser as he speaks.

Why did I point it out?

This is why


St Sen (and failed cand. for PA Gov) Doug Mastriano was there. At a rally attended by some Proud Boys. Speaking to the crowd in front of an America First flag.


Even when he isn't specifically mentioned in the January 6 report, he's there.

How much does Doug Mastriano know about the Proud Boys and America First?