January 9, 2023

This Is What Happened When The PA Republicans Pushed For More Voter Security

From the AP:

New data from Pennsylvania’s elections agency shows an early November state court decision that barred mail-in ballots without accurate handwritten dates on their exterior envelopes resulted in otherwise valid votes being thrown out.

The Department of State said this week more than 16,000 mail-in ballots were disqualified by county officials because they lacked secrecy envelopes or proper signatures or dates. Democratic voters, who are much more likely to vote by mail, made up more than two-thirds of the total canceled ballots.

Huh. That couldn't possibly be a coincidence, could it?? 

Not only that, but the AP has this:

But the Democrats’ much greater use of mail-in voting also meant they saw far more of their votes disqualified than did Republicans, independents and third party voters combined. Democrats had 10,920 votes thrown out, about half for lacking secrecy envelopes. Republicans saw 3,503 ballots forfeited. Independents and third parties amounted to 1,731 votes that did not count in the fall election.

So is it possible that Dr Oz and St Sen Mastriano actually lost by even larger margins than the official count?

And what would've happened if the count was much much closer? If Oz and Doug were ahead by a few thousand votes and those 16,000 mail-in ballots might actually have made a difference?

That scenario couldn't possibly be what the PA GOP has in mind, could it?