September 12, 2023

Wendy Bell - 9/11 Truther?

So I saw this on the cesspool formerly known as Twitter yesterday:

If I'm reading this right (and I'd like to think I am), I have to assume Wendy Bell, anti-vaxxer, election-denier, climate science denier, is also a 9/11 truther.

Who'd a thunk it??

The 9/11 conspiracy theory that Wendy so obediently spews is this: Since you can't see any evidence of a plane hitting The Pentagon, American Airlines Flight 77 did not hit the Pentagon. Therefore it must've been a cruise missile and therefore it must've been an inside job.

Of course, just like the rest of the spew that flows like a river out of Wendy's gob, this is BS.

Some questions for Wendy:

If Flight 77 did not hit The Pentagon, where did it go? What happened to the 50 or so passengers?

Did you know, Wendy, that among the passengers was Barbara Olson, prominent conservative pundit and wife of the then Solicitor General of the US, Ted Olson? Where did she go?

Science (meaning reality, Wendy) has the answer:

The remains of five people killed in the terrorist attack on the Pentagon were damaged beyond identification in the massive explosion and fire after a hijacked airliner crashed into the building's west side, officials said.

Investigators have identified remains of 184 people who were aboard American Airlines Flight 77 or inside the Pentagon, including those of the five hijackers, but they say it is impossible to match what is left with the five missing people.

Has had for decades.

Here's some more reality for you, Wendy:

Footage from two Pentagon security cameras outside the building shows the American Airlines flight crashing into the Pentagon. The footage was released by the U.S. Department of Defense in 2006 after conservative government watchdog Judicial Watch filed a Freedom of Information Act request two years earlier, the Associated Press reported

And then there's this:

There's the plane, Wendy.