December 19, 2023

More Mastriano Connections in The News...

By now we all know about the $148 million Rudy Giuliani now owes the two election workers in Georgia he defamed.

And how he was "featured speaker" at Pennsylvania State Senator Doug Mastriano's election misinformation hearing in Gettysburg in November, 2020.

Doug's connected to Rudy.

Any comment Doug?

Did you see this in The New York Times?

A pro-Trump group that organized the “Save America” rally in Washington on Jan. 6, 2021, lied to federal officials about President Donald J. Trump’s plans to call on the crowd to march to the Capitol, where the protest over his election loss turned into a violent riot, according to a new inspector general investigation.

Nearly three years after the mob laid siege to Congress, halting the certification of Mr. Trump’s electoral defeat and injuring more than 150 police officers, the Interior Department’s inspector general on Monday released a 47-page report examining the permitting process that allowed tens of thousands of Trump supporters to gather in Washington before the violence.

The report found that Women for America First, which organized a rally at the Ellipse about two miles from the Capitol on Jan. 6, “intentionally failed to disclose information” to the National Park Service “during the permitting process regarding a march to the U.S. Capitol.”

According to the investigation, Women for America First, which is run by Amy and Kylie Jane Kremer, a conservative mother-and-daughter team, repeatedly told Park Service officials there would be no march to the Capitol while privately planning for one.

And so what was Doug's connection? 

I am so glad you asked.

I wrote about it a little more than 2 years ago.

PA State Senator Doug Mastriano was listed as among the "Important Guests" for the Women for American First rally:

As I wrote back then:

So not only was he listed as among the "Invited Speaker & Featured Guests" at the rally, he was a completely different list of event "Important Guests."

Did Doug Mastriano know that the Women for America First lied to the Interior Department?  Does he have an explanation as to why he was, apparently, important enough to be featured in both rallies on January 6?

Any comment for the blog, Doug?