January 4, 2024

Sen Mastriano Taking Credit For Funds The GOP Rejected in DC

On his Facebook page, Pennsylvania State Senator Doug Mastriano linked to this article from a news source in central PA.

It starts like this:

Sen. Doug Mastriano (R-33) announced nearly $1.7 million in state grants have been awarded for water and sewer infrastructure projects in Franklin and Adams counties.

And a couple of paragraphs later there's this:

Two grants are being funded with money from the federal COVID-19 American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) that is disbursed through the H20 PA Program:

Ah...there it is. Did you see it?  Do you know why I am pointing it out?

Here's why. According to the Ballotopedia

No Republican House or Senate member supported the bill. 

Now do you get it? It wasn't in the article that Doug linked to, by the way.

Here's the bottom line: If Doug's GOP colleagues in DC had their way, none of the funds that Doug is touting would be available for anything.

He's taking credit for something the GOP fought hard to kill.