January 7, 2024

The Past Has Never Died. It's Not Even Past. - Faulkner

We'll start here:

The Washington Post has some other reactions:

“Across much of the southern portion of the United States people were owned, bought, and sold by other humans. They were subject to whippings and other forms of inhumane discipline at the whims of those ‘owners,’” James Grossman, executive director of the American Historical Association, wrote in an email. “The declarations of secession explicitly state that the seceding states were leaving the Union to maintain that system, and because many northern states were refusing to return escapees from that regime. This could not be ‘negotiated.’”

I'd like to ask some local Republicans that question.

For instance, this guy:

From Reuters:

Three years before retiring from the U.S. Army in 2017, Donald Trump-backed Pennsylvania gubernatorial candidate Doug Mastriano posed in Confederate uniform for a faculty photo at the Army War College, according to a copy of the photo obtained by Reuters.

The previously unreported photo, released by the War College to Reuters after a request under the Freedom of Information Act, showed Mastriano in a 2013-14 portrait for the Department of Military Strategy, Plans, and Operations, where he worked.

Faculty at the time had been given the option of dressing as a historical figure, people familiar with the photo said. At least 15 of the 21 faculty in the photo opted to appear in regular attire. Although one man wears a trench coat and sunglasses and another carries an aviator's helmet, Mastriano is the only one wearing a Confederate uniform.

So what say you, Senator? Is Donald Trump right? Could the Civil War have been negotiated?

And BTW, how did you memorialize yesterday's anniversary? It was the 3rd anniversary of Trump's mob storming the Capitol. You saw it live as an eyewitness - both breaches of the building.