March 15, 2024

Does Sam ("PA Fake Elector") DeMarco even hear himself?

I caught this on the TEEVEE last night:

An Allegheny County councilman is suing the county executive over her plan to create five ballot drop-off sites for next month's primary election.

Allegheny County Executive Sara Innamorato announced her plan last month, and Councilman Sam DeMarco believes her actions violated election laws.

"I believe the county executive needs to follow the law..."

This is true. Everyone needs to follow the law. No one is above the law. Not even this guy: 

Has Allegheny County councilman Sam DeMarco ever commented as forcefully on Trump's dozens of indictments?

He was one of Trump's fake electors, you know. In Pennsylvania, Trump's fake electors added some words to the fake certificate to (seemingly) give themselves political and legal cover.

I will let the process play itself out on Allegheny County Executive Innamorato's drop-off sites before commenting.

Law and Order DeMarco goes on:

"My big concern was if she is able to take and do this without pushback, what's to stop what other decisions she might make or unilateral actions she might take either for the primary or for the general election here in November," DeMarco said.

Did he hear himself when those words were coming out of his mouth?

What about the guy (see the mugshot above) behind this?

I mean my big concern is if Donald Trump is able to take and do this without pushback, what's to stop what other decisions Donald Trump might make or unilateral actions Donald Trump might take either for the primary or for the general election here in November?

Everyone has to follow the law. Even Donald J Trump.

You were one of Trump's fake electors, right Sam? 

Did you think (or hope) we'd forget?