March 11, 2024

Follow-up On Mastriano And That Ethics Charge

Apparently, it's not gonna happen:

A Democratic state senator’s request for an internal ethics investigation into Republican Sen. Doug Mastriano’s efforts to overturn the 2020 election results was denied.

Sen. Art Haywood of Montgomery/Philadelphia counties said he received a letter on Thursday saying the six-member Senate Ethics Committeee decided against conducting a formal investigation into what he said was the spreading of “lies and disinformation as well as other activities” documented in his complaint by Washington, D.C.-based Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics.

We reported on this earlier this year and you can read CREW's report on Senator Mastriano's involvement in the January 6 insurrection here

So no ethics investigation despite this (from the CREW report):

In the lead-up to January 6th, Senator Mastriano was one of former President Trump’s most important state allies in his failed effort to overturn Pennsylvania’s presidential election results. The day after the Pennsylvania Department of State certified the general election results declaring Joe Biden the winner of the Commonwealth’s electoral votes, Mastriano and other GOP lawmakers hosted Trump lawyers Jenna Ellis and Rudy Giuliani at a “hearing” in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.30 The hearing—which in reality was a town hall-type meeting—gave Giuliani, Mastriano, and former President Trump (who appeared by phone) the opportunity to perpetuate false claims that the general election had been rigged due to so-called voting irregularities in Pennsylvania and other swing states. These claims became part of the larger movement known as “Stop the Steal,” which was based on the false premise that the 2020 election was stolen and that the certification of the 2020 election and the transfer of presidential power needed to be stopped. This movement successfully mobilized and incited thousands of people from across the country to form a violent mob in Washington, D.C. to attempt to intimidate Vice President Pence and Congress to “stop the steal” on January 6, 2021.

Mastriano also served as the Trump campaign’s “point person” in the Pennsylvania fake electors scheme, meaning he was the person the Trump campaign and Republican National Committee were in touch with about selecting a “fake” slate of electors. The fake electors scheme was vital to Donald Trump’s extra-legal January 6th strategy to pressure Vice President Pence to reject the legitimate Electoral College results. The idea was that by receiving multiple slates of electors from so-called disputed states, Pence would be able to falsely claim the results were in dispute and therefore either accept the fake Republican slates or send the issue back to the state legislatures for resolution.

And this:

One video shows Mastriano advancing through breached police lines. Another video shows Mastriano at the base of the Capitol building’s steps, far beyond the police lines he claimed not to have crossed. In response to these videos, Mastriano released a statement, explaining that “[e]ven disingenuous internet sleuths know that police lines did shift throughout the course of the day. I followed those lines as they existed.” Mastriano’s explanation is, at best, misleading. As another video shows, one so-called “shift” in the police lines, which Mastriano witnessed from only a few feet away, involved police officers clearly trying to hold the line while the mob pushed them back and one man in particular forcefully removed police barricades. It is significant that the “shifts” that Mastriano refers to were not the result of intentional, strategic decisions made by Capitol police, but rather due to the force of the mob pushing against the police who were trying to protect the Capitol from further violence.

And so on.

The ethics committee got it wrong.