May 26, 2024


From The NY Times:

Early in his speech at the Libertarian Party’s national convention on Saturday, Donald J. Trump told the party’s delegates bluntly that they should nominate him as its candidate for president. He was vigorously booed.

That was the first paragraph.

It was followed by this:

When the jeers died down, Mr. Trump, visibly frustrated with the rowdy reception he had received ever since taking the stage, dug in and went a step further, seeming to insult the very group that had invited him.

“Only do that if you want to win,” he said of nominating him. “If you want to lose, don’t do that. Keep getting your three percent every four years.”

The boos began anew, only louder.

He got booed. 

And this is the first paragraph of the coverage from The Washington Post:

Former president Donald Trump encountered an unusually tough crowd at the Libertarian National Convention on Saturday night as the audience loudly booed him and used noisemakers to drown out his speech.

He got booed.


Presidential candidate Donald Trump was booed and heckled by many in a raucous audience at the Libertarian National Convention on Saturday night, a marked change from the adulation he receives at rallies from his fervently loyal supporters.

Again that's the first paragraph.

He got booed. 


Donald Trump was booed repeatedly while addressing the Libertarian Party National Convention on Saturday night, with many in the crowd shouting insults and decrying him for things like his COVID-19 policies, running up towering federal deficits and lying about his political record.

 And, just like all the others, this was the first paragraph.

He got booed.

And now the first paragraph from the reporting from Fox:

Donald Trump addressed the Libertarians’ National Convention on Saturday night in an effort to win over activists who are skeptical of the GOP frontrunner, and turn them away from independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Is it surprising that Fox makes no mention of any booing? 

The closest they got was paragraph three:

The former president addressed a rowdy crowd, seemingly split 50-50 between his supporters and Libertarian skeptics. 

No mention of booing.

Donald Trump got booed.