May 5, 2024

Mastriano's Prayer Meeting On May 1

Let's start here, at LancasterOnline:

Two Republican state lawmakers and several faith leaders were among those who met Wednesday with a controversial Christian activist to discuss promoting a prayer rally in Harrisburg ahead of the general election.

Sean Feucht, an evangelical musician who has become increasingly active in politics, told several dozen people at the Capitol media center in Harrisburg that his organization, Let Us Worship, will host a prayer rally on the steps of the Pennsylvania Capitol in October to “prophesize over” the fall election.

Feucht promotes Christian dominionism, which teaches that Christians are mandated by God to take control of all aspects of government and culture.

Which two lawmakers?  Glad you asked:

Present at Wednesday’s meeting were state Sen. Doug Mastriano, the failed 2022 Republican gubernatorial nominee, and state Rep. Dave Zimmerman, of East Earl Township.

Ah, it was Doug. 

But while Doug's people did not respond to any questions from Lancaster Online, we can see that the interaction between Mastriano and Feucht was a tad more complicated that simply "met...with."

For example, here's Sean playing guitar from behind Doug's desk:

This image is from Feucht's own FB page and he captions the photo with:

The harp of David drives out demons of Saul (that live inside this Capitol).  My friend Senator Doug Mastriano Senator loves worship.

BTW, it's a reference to the 1 Samuel 16:23:

Whenever the spirit from God came on Saul, David would take up his lyre and play. Then relief would come to Saul; he would feel better, and the evil spirit would leave him. 

While I am sure this is completely coincidental, it is so interesting to note that the very next chapter of the 1 Samuel contains this:

David ran and stood over him. He took hold of the Philistine’s sword and drew it from the sheath. After he killed him, he cut off his head with the sword.
The "Philistine" here is, of course, Goliath.  I wonder if Doug still has the sword of David given to him at that QAnon rally a few years ago.  That was the rally where Doug assured the crowd that "my God would make it so" he'd win.  

BTW, He lost that race by 800,000 votes. Doug has never explained what happened.  Did God change his mind?

Anyway, take a look at the brochure just behind Doug's desk name plate:

Across the top it reads:

Remnant Alliance is the toolkit to expand the Kingdom of God in communities.

You're probably asking about "Remnant Alliance" - what it is, what they stand for etc. 

From Citizens Defending Freedom we find this pdf regarding Remnant Alliance.

Welcome to the Remnant Alliance program. The Remnant Alliance is a team of faith-based organizations and churches, who have chosen to be part of God’s faithful, who actively uphold His will on earth and oppose evil in our land. We have a clear plan of action and are standing in the gap. 

Since the beginning of human history, the battle for the souls of men and women has been waged. This battle is between two kingdoms. On one side are the forces of evil lead by Lucifer himself. On the other is Almighty God with His forces of truth and light. This battle is not just played out in individual lives, but also in the governance of our land which either promotes God’s soul saving kingdom or opposes it. In fact, the evil we are witnessing in our streets and government today is not some short-term political movement, but rather a manifestation of this very conflict that won’t end until we meet our Lord face-to-face. (pg 2 of the 7 pg pdf)

And then RA's "Mission" and "Vision" statements:

Mission statement: To educate, motivate and equip the body of Christ so they have the tools to influence culture and governance, and lead America back to God’s moral values as our standard for living. 

Vision statement: To see the body of Christ awaken across our republic, exercise their leadership role to influence others for God, and in turn, restore the Judeo-Christian foundations that brought America’s great blessings and welfare.

And a few pages later we read a familiar passage in the pdf:

Remnant Alliance is the toolkit to expand the Kingdom of God.

So we know we're in the right place.

And a brochure from Remnant Alliance was on Doug Mastriano's desk while Christian Nationalist Sean Feucht sat there, playing his guitar - reenacting David playing the harp for Saul to drive out the evil demons.

At the Pennsylvania state capitol in Harrisburg a few days ago.

Did best buds Sean and Doug discuss Remnant Alliance?  Is there a political reporter in Harrisburg that can ask?

One last thing.  This is video from Doug's Mastriano for Freedom FB page.

I am pretty sure that's Doug's voice at the end agreeing with Sean Feucht when he says:

We're not appealing to a government authority. We're appealing to the king of all kings.

At the Pennsylvania state capitol in Harrisburg a few days ago.

This is what Kira Resistance is warning us about.