June 7, 2024

Steve Bannon is Going To Jail - July 1

From The NYTimes:

A federal judge on Thursday told Stephen K. Bannon, a longtime adviser to former President Donald J. Trump, to surrender by July 1 to start serving a four-month prison term for disobeying a congressional subpoena.

Mr. Bannon was sentenced in October 2022 on contempt of Congress charges after he refused to give testimony to the House committee that investigated the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol.

Judge Carl J. Nichols, who has overseen the case, allowed him to remain free while he appealed. Last month, however, Mr. Bannon lost the first round of that challenge as a three-judge panel of a federal appeals court in Washington decided that his guilty verdict on charges of ignoring the House committee’s demand for his testimony was proper.

Bannon's going to jail.

Hmm. I wonder: Are there any Pennsylvania connections to Bannon?

Of course there are - ah, the joys of an old blog.

There's this.

On the night that The House of Representatives voted to hold Bannon in contempt, he was guest of PA the Adams County Republican Committee at their annual Eisenhower Banquet. 

PA State Senator Doug Mastriano was there as well.  Did they discuss the contempt vote?  Why won't anyone ask Doug this?

But wait, there's more.

From the York Daily Record

Before the event, Bannon spoke with Adams County GOP Chair Charlotte Shaffer for his "War Room" news show.

The pair spoke about the 3 November movement, a Trump-centered Republican movement seeking to prove election fraud.

“One of the reasons I accepted the gracious invitation of Charlotte Shaffer, the chairman, was that this was the railhead of where 3 November started, the counter reaction, the great conference,” Bannon said on War Room.

Bannon was referring to an event in Gettysburg at which former Trump adviser Rudy Giuliani publicly protested the election results. Mastriano organized that event as a member of the Pennsylvania Senate Majority Policy Committee.

Rudy Giuliani was at that event in Gettysburg. He's now facing disbarment for having "violated Pennsylvania Rules of Professional Conduct" representing Trump in a case in PA that sought to overturn Trump's 2020 election loss.

BTW, Rudy told many many lies at Doug's Gettysburg event.

Can't someone (anyone??) ask Doug about Rudy's current tough times?

Then there's this.  Mastriano was on Bannon's podcast:

Senator Mastriano is speaking with Steve Bannon. Bannon is currently under indictment (two counts) for Contempt of Congress. He was also indicted for wire fraud. The case was dismissed because he was pardoned by Donald Trump on the latter's last day of office.

And as we all know, PA State Senator Doug Mastriano has been subpoenaed by the same committee that issued the subpoenas that led to Bannon's contempt indictment.

Hey, remember when PA State Senator Doug Mastriano was subpoenaed?  I certainly do. 

In any event, Dougie and Stevie discussed Trump's one-time SecDef, Mark Esper and how he would have committed treason by not following Trump's order (were Trump to give one) to have members of the military to shoot protesters in the legs. 

Can someone please ask Doug Mastriano for a comment regarding Steve Bannon's upcoming jail time?