June 21, 2024

Thou Shalt Not...Pass A Law Respecting An Establishment Of Religion...

From The NYTimes:

Gov. Jeff Landry signed legislation on Wednesday requiring the display of the Ten Commandments in every public classroom in Louisiana, making the state the only one with such a mandate and reigniting the debate over how porous the boundary between church and state should be.

Setting aside the question of the legislation's constitutionality (it's not, but given the Trump SCOTUS, all bets, sadly, are off), let's look at the Commandments themselves, as spelled out in the legislation.

It contains (of course) this Commandment:

Thou shalt not commit adultery.

Do I need to remind everyone that convicted felon Trump:

  • Cheated on his first wife with the woman who became his second wife
  • Cheated on his second wife with the woman who became his third
  • Cheated on his third wife with an adult film actress.
  • Sexually assaulted another woman and then lied about her.

And that's only one broken commandment (with a bit of "Thou shalt not bear false witness" thrown in").