October 3, 2024

Some Pennsylvania Details From Jack Smith's Latest

So what?  I can hear the deniers say.

But let's look at how the fake elector scheme shows in the filing:

Shortly after election day, the defendant began to target the electoral process at the state level by attempting to deceive state officials and to prevent or overturn the legitimate ascertainment and appointment of Biden’s electors. As President, the defendant had no official responsibilities related to the states’ administration of the election or the appointment of their electors, and instead contacted state officials in his capacity as a candidate. Tellingly, the defendant contacted only state officials who were in his political party and were his political supporters, and only in states he had lost. The defendant’s attempts to use deceit to target the states’ electoral process played out in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, as well as across these and other states that used certain voting machines. (p. 16)

And so on.

And now onto Pennsylvania:

Two days after the election, on November 6, the defendant called [P46] the Chairman of the Pennsylvania Republican Party—the entity responsible for supporting Republican candidates in the commonwealth at the federal, state, and local level. [P46] had a prior relationship with the defendant, including having represented him in litigation in Pennsylvania after the 2016 presidential election.' The defendant asked [P46] how, without fraud, he had gone from winning Pennsylvania on election day to trailing in the days afterward.'? Consistent with what Campaign staff already had told the defendant, [P46] confirmed that it was not fraud; it was that there were roughly 1,750,000 mail-in ballots still being counted in Pennsylvania, which were expected to be eighty percent for Biden. Over the following two months, the defendant spread false claims of fraud in Pennsylvania anyway. (p.37)


On the defendant’s behalf, [CC1] too spread patently false claims about Pennsylvania. On November 25, [CC1] and [P12] attended an unofficial hearing with Republican state legislators in a Gettysburg hotel conference room. The defendant called in, claimed to have been watching, and demanded that the election in Pennsylvania “has to be tumed around.” During the event, [CC1] falsely stated that Pennsylvania issued 1.8 million absentee ballots and received 2.5 million in return. The claim was rooted in an obvious error—the comparison of the number of ballots sent out in the primary election to the number of ballots received in the general election. After seeing [CC1] make this claim, [P43] the RNC’s Chief Counsel, tweeted publicly, “This is not true.” In the following days, Campaign staff internally confirmed that [CC1] was lying: when one Campaign staffer wrote in an email that [CC1] claim was “Just wrong” and “[t]here’s no way to defend it,” [P3] responded, “We have been saying this for awhile. It’s very frustrating.” Likewise, in late November or December, [P9] informed the defendant directly that a claim [CC1] was spreading, that “Pennsylvania received 700,000 more mail-in ballots than were mailed out,” was “bullshit” and explained the error. 

This would be Doug Mastriano's hearing on November 25, 2020.

Oh, and from the context it's obvious that CC1 is Rudy Giuliani and P12 is Jenna Ellis.

Rudy Giuliani has been disbarred for spreading misinformation.

Jenna Ellis pled guilty in Georgia for lying to the legislature. She was disbarred for 3 years in Colorado. She was also Mastriano's "Senior Lead Counsel" for his failed gubernatorial campaign.

Does Doug Mastriano have any comment on Jack Smith's filing?