March 30, 2006

Eyes Wide Open: Pennsylvania

The AFSC’s [American Friends Service Committee] widely acclaimed exhibit on the human cost of war is branching out.

Eyes Wide Open: Pennsylvania features one pair of military boots for every Pennsylvanian casualty in Iraq and 50 pairs of civilian shoes, tagged with Iraqi names, representing the 50:1 ratio of Iraqi to US casualties in the current conflict. As of January 2006 Pennsylvania has lost over 110 soldiers, the third highest state casualty count in the US.

This exhibit is available to communities across the state and will be on tour in the spring of 2006.

Pittsburgh Events – March 31st through April 2nd:

Thursday, March 30 – 7:30PM to 10:00 PM - Film showing at A20 Porter Hall, Carnegie Mellon University.

Friday, March 31st - 11:00 AM to 8:30 PM – Eyes Wide Open boots exhibit at Friends Meeting House, 4836 Ellsworth Ave in Oakland . One of the persons reading at this even is Friend of 2PJ, Zuri, as seen on this blog on September 27th participating in the March Against the Iraq War in DC.

Friday, March 31st - 7:00 PM – Eyes Wide Open Candlelit Vigil and reading of the names of PA service people killed in Iraq. At Friends Meeting House, 4836 Ellsworth Ave in Oakland

Saturday, April 1st - 11:00 AM to 7:00 PM – Eyes Wide Open exhibit at East Liberty Presbyterian Church, Penn and Highland Aves in East Liberty Saturday, April 1st - 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM – Film showing sponsored by Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom at East Liberty Presbyterian Church, Penn and Highland Aves in East Liberty

Saturday, April 1st - 7:00 PM – Eyes Wide Open Community Forum, a chance to share your thoughts around the human and economic cost of the Iraqi war. East Liberty Presbyterian Church, Penn and Highland Aves in East Liberty

Sunday, April 2nd - Noon to 3:30 – Eyes Wide Open exhibit at East Liberty Presbyterian Church, Penn and Highland Aves in East Liberty

Sunday, April 2nd - 4:00 PM – Pittsburgh Playback Theatre production: Reflections on the Human Cost of War. East Liberty Presbyterian Church, Penn and Highland Aves

1 comment:

  1. I'm protesting left blogs because there isn't equal "righty" representation.

    Not to mention I don't like BS.
