June 6, 2006

6-6-6 Edition: I do not expect to be raptured up today

Despite any expectations on the part of my readership, it does not look like I will be birthing the Antichrist today (Damien Justin Satan if a boy, Whore of Babylon Britney Satan if a girl).

However, as I have yet to actually see any pictures of Baby Brangelina (Shiloh Nouvel Jolie-Pitt), I'm going to assume that all reports of her birth last week were false and that she was actually born at 6 am this morning and is the Antichrist (but only because Britney Spears and K-Fed somehow failed to live up to their pact with the Devil).


  1. as the bumper sticker i saw said "come the rapture, can i have your car??" ; )

  2. one thing i'm glad about is that i didn't get ruptured today.
