June 11, 2006

'Godless' author Coulter unknown at church she claims to attend

Raw Story has the story here.

Yet Coulter is curiously reticent in Godless about her own religious convictions. Nowhere in her book, for instance, does Coulter declare whether she belongs to a particular religious denomination, nor does she state where – or even if – she attends religious services. An April 17, 2005 article in Time Magazine by John Cloud provided a rare description of Coulter's attendance of church, as Cloud suggested that she has been a regular attendee of New York City's Redeemer Presbyterian Church, to which "she brings a lot of people…"


"The only thing I have heard is hearsay that she is an attender" of Redeemer, Cregan told Raw Story. "Our database shows that she is not a member."


"And I don't know anybody that would have seen Ann Coulter. We don't really know her."

Say it ain't so, Ann!

Surely the authoritrix authority on all things Godly and Christian wouldn't lie about her own church attendance, now would she?

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