June 12, 2006

Santorum Campaign Freaks Out Over One Itty Bitty Post Card!

You know, you'd really think that the numbnuts in the Santorum Campaign would stop drawing attention to the residency issue because:

1. They can't win.

2. They always end up looking really stupid.

The latest example is this story in today's The Philadelphia Inquirer (Yeah, I'm quoting the entire thing because it's short and I'm quoted in it):
Prank postcard finds Santorum at home

This was one piece of mail the sender hoped wouldn't get delivered.

After the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette editorial board wrote last month that a letter it sent to U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum's Penn Hills home was returned as "Not Deliverable as Addressed - Unable to Forward," the group Democracy for Pittsburgh launched a similar test.

Within days, a postcard of scenic Pittsburgh with a snarky dispatch - "Hope you are having a great time in Virginia!" - was on its way to Santorum's home in the Pittsburgh suburbs.

Democracy for Pittsburgh, a longstanding critic of Santorum for spending much of his time at his Virginia home, wanted "to see if we could get the same results" as the Post-Gazette, said Maria Lupinacci, a group spokeswoman.

This time, however, the U.S. Postal Service delivered.

The Santorums picked up the postcard while staying at the house during the week after Memorial Day.

"Childish prank," said Virginia Davis, Santorum's spokeswoman. "The Santorums live in that house. It is their home. They receive mail there all the time."

So is the issue now moot because the postcard arrived?

"It doesn't really prove anything as far I am concerned," Lupinacci said.

- Carrie Budoff
To be clear on some things:

1. Democracy for Pittsburgh is critical of Santorum for loads more than just the residency issue, but this one really seems to bug them the most.

2. Democracy for Pittsburgh did not alert the media -- the Santorum campaign did.

3. I did not personally send the post card. Another member of the group did, but I often serve as Democracy for Pittsburgh's spokesperson.

4. The Santorums had a couple of days to change their status at the post office between when this editorial appeared in the Post-Gazette and when the post card would have arrived (if they hadn't already when I'm guessing the P-G had to forward the materials to DC or Virginia).

5. The sender of the post card forgot to write "Do Not Forward" on it.

Points #4 and #5 are why I said that it didn't prove that the Santorums live there.

Here is where the Santorums do live. (Ricky admitted that he spent 90% of his time in DC "Because that's where I work," he said. And, why would the Santorum Kids have to be cyber schooled in VA if they lived in PA in the first place??)

As regards to the post card being "snarky" the Allegheny County GOP was far more snarky when they sent then-Republican Teresa Heinz paperwork to change her voter registration when she dared to criticize Rick Santorum during his 1994 U.S. Senate race.

What this story does prove is that the Santorum Campaign is so freaked out over the whole residency issue that a single post card sent them running and whining to the media.

My God, you can smell the desperation all the way from Virginia.

Should I now be expecting a call from the Capitol Police investigating the "prank" post card? (Now that's snark!)


  1. there really does seem to be a not so snbtle change in attitude by them.

  2. Is LITTLE RICKY really scared of an itty bitty post card from Pittsburgh. Awwwww.

    Poor Little Ricky!

  3. You should have just left well enough alone. The PG article was devastating, but now he can say his mail really does get delivered there and use your postcard as an example.

  4. Hmmm, as I recall, last year Fred Honsberger was saying to leave this issue alone.

    It's not about where his mail is delivered; it's about where he lives. And again he (through his spokesperson Virginia)lied about it.

    The more times Little Ricky insists he actually lives in Penn
    Hills the better because EVERYONE knows he is telling a LIE.

  5. Blah...blah...blah. Go cry in the corner you little liberal weenies. Time to grow up, get a job, and for Pete's sake wash your feet!

  6. Wah..Wah..Wah.. Go cry at Freeperville you pea-brained, American-hating, paranoid, wingnut coward.

    Feet? No that smell is "desperation" and your own fear.
