August 21, 2006

Rick Santorum (no surprise here) Misleads AGAIN

On Fred Honsberger's radio program today, Senator Rick Santorum was given some free airtime (under the ever friendly, if now somewhat concerned, questioning of The Honzman) to rant about a few things; the war in Iraq, the Green Party candidate, and Bob Casey's "reticence" to even talk about a debate.

He said that he wants 10 debates with Bob Casey - and complained that he can't even get a response from the Casey campaign. He said they'd sent certified/registered mail that said "please talk to us," but it did no good. The only thing he said that Casey'd agreed to was a talk show on the Sunday before Labor Day - and that was 25 minutes at the most.

"I've never seen a candidate who's so reticent." Rick said dolefully. He added later, "It's a sad commentary."

To hear it from Rick, the Casey Camp has refused any and all discussion on the matter.

To hear it from Rick, you'd think that the Casey Camp has refused - completely and utterly - all but one debate.

To hear it from Rick, you'd think he was acting out a scene from Fatal Attraction:
"Well, what am I supposed to do? You won't answer my calls...I'm not gonna be ignored!"
All I can say is that Bob Casey better watch the family rabbit very very carefully.

However, it shouldn't be a shock to anyone that Rick Santorum was not telling the whole story - not even half the whole story.

Turns out that things out here in reality are quiet different.

Today, after Ricky sullied up Fred's air, the Casey Campaign issued a press release that said they'd already accepted four debate invitations:
  • KDKA-TV/Pittsburgh Post-Gazette in Pittsburgh
  • WPVI-TV/League of Women Voters in Philadelphia
  • KYW Newsradio (with possible simulcast with KDKA radio)
  • NBC’s Meet the Press with Tim Russert
The press release will probably be posted at - when it is, I'll link it here.

And a campaign source informs me they've refused to engage in Ricky's "silly" debate about debates - they're dealing with the debate sponsors instead and they are considering additional debate invitations.

Ah, Lil Ricky didn't say any of that that, did he?

One thing I just noticed. Rick Santorum never got around to saying (unlike the Casey press release) the debates he had agreed to. Has Rick posted this information anywhere? I wasn't able to find it. Saying, "I want 10 debates." really isn't enough.

So take a look at what that does - Ricky ignores the invitations that the Casey Campaign has accepted and paints Casey as ducking the debates, when it's really not true, is it?

Update: Hey, take a look at this. It's from a little more than a month ago. Looks like this "debate" story is not new.
Republican U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum’s campaign manager again accused Democratic state Treasurer Bob Casey Jr. of refusing to debate the senator.

Again, Mr. Casey’s spokesman denied it.
This was July 16.
Today’s bottom line: One debate appears set, another is almost set and talks on at least three others are well under way.
See that? One appears set. Ricky didn't say that.
No strategy, said Larry Smar, Mr. Casey’s campaign spokesman. Mr. Casey wants to debate, his campaign is actively negotiating debate dates, and he has accepted at least two debates that the Santorum campaign declined. One was proposed by KYW Radio in Philadelphia.
Whah? Santorum declined a debate that Casey proposed? Lil Ricky didn't say that either!

Finally there's something else Ricky failed to inform us:
Jackie Sallade, debates coordinator for the League of Women Voters of Pennsylvania, said the league and the campaigns are actively negotiating debates in Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, Scranton/Wilkes-Barre and Harrisburg in late September or October. She said both camps have already tentatively agreed to a Philadelphia debate.
(Many thanks to the Other Political Junkie for her lightning fast google skills).

I'll repeat it as long as necessary. This is the campaign that outright lied about "Casey Operatives" who were "trespassing" in Penn Hills.

Why should we take anything they say at face value?

Rick Santorum - desperate, and it's showing.


  1. You got it wrong. The fact is, only one of the three debates is actually agreed to.

    From the Philadelphia Daily News:

    "The televised debate will be the second meeting of the day for the candidates. KYW Newsradio program director Steve Butler said Casey has confirmed, and Santorum has tentatively agreed, to appear on an hourlong 'Breakfast with the Candidates' at 8 a.m.

    "Butler said the show would not be a traditional debate, but a discussion."

    "KDKA news director John Verrilli said the station had tentative agreements from the candidates for a date in October that is not yet confirmed."

    The keywork is tentatively agreed to -- why are the tentative, from everything I heard Santorum say on the issue, it's because Casey refuses to directly discuss debates.

  2. How many times did Santorum agree to debate Ron Klink in 2000?
