August 3, 2006

Update on Santorum's Green Party

TPMMuckracker has some more info on what I wrote a few days ago.

Seems that all but $30 (that's Thirty Dollars) came from conservative Republican donors.

Check it out.
OK, we've done it. We've nailed it down: Every single contributor to the Pennsylvania Green Party Senate candidate is actually a conservative -- except for the candidate himself.

The Luzerne County Green Party raised $66,000 in the month of June in order to fund a voter signature drive. The Philly Inquirer reported yesterday that $40,000 came from supporters of Rick Santorum's campaign (or their housemates). Also yesterday, we confirmed that another $15,000 came from GOP donors and conservatives. Only three contributions, totaling $11,000, remained as possible legit donations.

Today, I confirmed that those came from GOP sources.
Then there's the tag at the end.
That leaves only one contribution, for $30, as a legitimate donation from a Green Party supporter. That came from the candidate himself, Carl Romanelli. He made it to his own campaign fund, not the local Green Party.

Romanelli's latest FEC report shows his campaign currently has $17.20 on hand.
$17.20? That's not good. That's, what, dinner for three at McDonald's?

I wonder how long it'll take Lil Ricky's friends to pony more $$ for Mr Romanelli.

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  1. Romanelli didn't have the potential of affecting this race one wit. But now, because of the way Casey has overreacted to it, everyone is talking about him, looking at his web site, and hearing how he can really hurt Casey.

    Casey's braintrust has managed to move Romanelli from the irrelevant fringe third party candidate to a factor. Without spending a dime of his own money, Santorum created quite a distraction. All he had to do was depend on the Casey folk to be unable to resist the bait.

    Anyone recall that huge lead that Casey had in 2002 . . . . ?

  2. big fat slob, you're a big fat doofus:
    ANY vote that the Green gets is a vote that would normally go to Casey - why else would reliable Santorum donors give to the Greens?

    I think Casey can win even if the Green is on the ballot, but why risk it?

  3. Hiya, Cornelius. First, I gotta say, I really admired your work in the original Planet of the Apes.

    That said, you are spot on -- I am a big fat doofus. In fact, that was going to be the name of my blog, but I wasn't sure of the spelling, so I went with slob.

    Anyway, I really think that Casey's overreaction has given Romanelli more credibility than he ever would have garnered for himself (especially with that $30 budget he was working with). That was my point.

    Sure, votes Romanelli gets are coming from Casey's side. But not all of them.

    There are a number of liberals who will refuse to vote for Casey and will sit out the Senate race. Some polls said the number was as high as 6%. I think that's overstated -- passion from the primaries. I'd say it is no more than half that (but, I am a doofus and could be wrong). And not all of them will come out to vote for Romanelli.

    I think Romanelli's wildest dream is 3% of the vote (1% more realistic) and half of that will be from people who would not have voted anyway.

    Casey has a double digit lead right now. If Romanelli makes a difference it will be because Casey did something, or didn't say something, to blow a big lead (again). He could blame it on Romanelli if he likes, but the fault, dear Brutus, would be within himself.

    But you know what the REALLY important thing is? -- The Red Sox just lost to the Indians putting the Yankees a game up in the East!!!! bwahahahaha !!!

  4. Cornelius, Big fat spelling impaired; Hey, I thought Cornelius really shined in Troy McClure's musical of P of the A's...
    BFS, I can't imagine any voter sweating between Santorum and Romanelli. That said, any Casey complaint about Romanelli is a big lift to him. Now, it was a lot more than $30 Romanelli was working with, but the rest of it was from Republicans who were maxing their legal political donations by giving to the greens (as well, or entirely). I admire Satorum's strategy, and yes, any Casey reaction only helps Santorum. Some liberals will sit out this election too, but you know what? Right now, Santorum is up the creek, and he really is only chipping away. Maybe the debate will make a difference, but right now it seems the negative feelings toward Rick, whether oo not to do with the Prez, are too big. Right now, the liberals have reason to gloat, even if it is prematurely.
