August 1, 2006

Yesterday's Santorum Moment

Hat tip to Ol'Froth for this one.

This story also made Rick Santorum yesterday's second of the top three "worst persons of the world" on Olbermann's show.

Here's the original story from the Philly Inquirer.
Picture the TV commercial, a deep voice delivering this ominous message, in a slow, deliberate cadence: "Even al-Jazeera endorsed Democrat Bobby Casey Jr. Whose side is he on, anyway?"

It's hard not to think that was partly why Republican blogs and aides to U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum (R., Pa.) sounded giddy last week as they passed around a commentary from a Web site,

"Don't ask Santorum to 'apologize,' folks. Vote Democratic," stated the commentary, which denounced the senator's July 20 speech describing the United States as fighting a war on Islamic fascism, not terror.

Santorum referenced it himself Thursday on Fox's O'Reilly Factor.

But there was one little wrinkle.

The Web site was not related to the Arabic TV network based in the Middle East - spelled al-Jazeera, no h.

The goal of al-Jazeerah, according to its Web site, is to "promote cross-cultural understanding between people all over the world." It's based in Dalton, Ga., not Qatar.
Good research, guys. The paper then ends with he said/she said comments from each campaign:
"Rick Santorum has reached a new low in gutter politics by trying to ridiculously link Bob Casey to terrorists," Casey spokesman Larry Smar said.

Santorum's spokeswoman, Virginia Davis, said it doesn't make a difference. "We thought we should share these kind of sentiments."
I like Davis' response. Doesn't it feel like a "I can't tell the difference - all those people look the same to me." sort of deal?

But then again, Rick's the guy who's still out there saying that we found the WMD. And he's the guy who out right lied over KDKA's news coverage over someone supposedly peeking in his window. So mixing up a couple of arabic words in order to smear his opponent is small potatoes for him.

Rick Santorum - can't tell the difference between Qatar and Georgia.

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  1. i saw keith when santorum got the runner up "worst person" i was glad, i want it nationally known that santorum will stop at nothing in his need to win.

  2. Actually, The Inky wasn't first.
    We were:

  3. Don't forget that his English/Spanish website translations were "inconsistent" at best ....
