October 24, 2006

Rick Santorum Lies on Hardball

Rick Santorum is on Harball right now. On Iraq he just said:
"I've not been 'stay the course.'"

Philadelphia Inquirer 7/7/06:
"Santorum makes firm call to stay the course in Iraq"

Yesterday, Santorum barely mentioned Bush as he laid out a case for staying the course.

Unlike most previous wars, the conflict in Iraq is unconventional - from the battlefield to the enemy to the tactics it employs - complicating efforts to explain the rationale to the public, Santorum said.
Then there's this from The Intelligencer. It's from his spokesman:
Santorum “does believe that things are going well over in Iraq,” said Robert Traynham, a spokesman for the senator. “He agrees with the president that we should stay the course.
And if that's not good enough for you. Here's something from the Senator's own website:
"We are fighting an elusive enemy, but as a testament to our vigilance and preparedness, we have not seen another attack on our homeland since September 11, 2001. The President has been clear, we will stay the course in Iraq to send a message to those who seek to destroy democracy and hurt innocent people. We are a country of resolve and determination and we cannot waiver in our mission to secure democracy in Iraq; it is essential to safeguarding democracy and peace around the world."
- flip-flopping on "."


  1. We've always been at war with Eurasia.

  2. Yes, we just never "stayed the course" there.

  3. Santorum is not lying.

    All those elite liberal reporters misquoted him.

    He was obivously saying, "Slay the Horse".

    It's a strategy based on his analysis of the Godfather movies.

  4. Sort of like when we stayed the course with Kosovo and Bosnia:

    All thanks to Bill Clinton's war in Kosovo, nothing more than a training ground for Al Qaeda and other Islamic terrorists. Any of you remember Clinton's cut-and-run from Mogadishu, Somalia after the Blackhawk Down incident? Yep, Bill Clinton pulled our military forces out of Somalia which has now become an African Taliban-where you get killed for missing prayers. And liberal Democrats know how to win the war on terrorism? I question that statement coming from Nancy Pelosi when she said that the Democrats have a better way. Yeah? What is it, Nancy?

    And yet, you criticize people like Santorum and call him a liar.

    The stench of hypocrisy which emanates from you all....sheesh!

  5. Santorum = truthiness

  6. Ah, Truthiness! Where would we be without it?

  7. "Santorum is not lying.
    All those elite liberal reporters misquoted him.
    He was obivously saying, "Slay the Horse".
    It's a strategy based on his analysis of the Godfather movies."

    That was me, corporatemedia.

    Is deomcrats-lie doing satire?

    We're discussing Santoruom and Iraq and he starts off with Bill Clinton!

    That's funny. Good work!

    If it's not satire it's brain-dead dribble and not worth a response.

    But I sure did get a good laugh!

    santorum + iraq = bill clinton


  8. All thanks to Bill Clinton's war in Kosovo, nothing more than a training ground for Al Qaeda and other Islamic terrorists.

    I do realize, of course, that there really are people this stupid, but I am always amazed to see them put out complete sentences. Therefore, I have to conclude that this was copied/pasted from a Rove talking points bulletin.

    "Rapture Rick" Santorum hasn't just been an albatross around the neck of Pennsylvania-he's also been great for laughs. Part of me will miss that...

  9. Today on NPR, he said we need to start considering partitioning Iraq. Steve Inskeep says, "When did you start supporting breaking up Iraq?" And Sicky says, "Never." So Steve says, "You just said partion" and Sicky says (and I loved this) "You didn't understand, partitioning means different things to different people!" HA!

  10. People should real sorry for poor Rick Santorum. It was someone who looked like him that said "stay the course", "I think they should raise social security to age 70", " I don't know Jack Abramoff","I live in that house in Penn Hills", his evil twin Dick Santorum.
