June 17, 2007

Delano has the last word on Luke & Tiger & Oakmont

Jon Delano, who stirred up a hornets nest this week by delving deeper into a story originally broke by the Trib last month on Mayor Luke Ravenstahl's crashing of a private AMEX event with Tiger Woods, weighs in with an interesting overview on his Delano's Den blog.

Jon does not back down on his reporting stating that he and Luke "'agree to disagree' on the facts."

Like I said on John McIntire's radio show last week: you piss off the press at your own risk. I'm not saying, mind you, that Delano says that he's pissed. But how silly, as a politician, do you have to be to go from routinely lying to the media (almost expected) to lying about them?

At the very least Ravenstahl's, ahem, "misstatements" about Delano's reporting gave the story "legs." At his blog, Delano tells how it made a one-day story go on for a good week. At most, hopefully, it has finally crushed the overlong honeymoon Luke got from most in the local MSM.

Speaking of honeymoons, has Luke's grip on the average yinzer's heart got just a little slippery?

Whigsboy, who frequent posts comments to this blog, said at this post that the Mayor of Pittsburgh has been voted "JagOff of the Week" at ESPN Radio Pittsburgh 1250. The Junker & Crow show have listeners call in each Wednesday to vote for the biggest jagoff. Whigsboy said that our own Lil Lukey won, but unfortunately we can't confirm that since the last winning jagoff posted on their website is for June 6th.

We certainly hope that Whigsboy heard his radio right because it's a pretty damn funny story if true.


  1. Let's hope that Desantis gets the hero's welcome by the media that Flukey inexplicably did upon entry into the fray.

    As for Delano, he's known that Fluke has been lying about a lot of things for a very long time now...

  2. The average Pittsburgher doesn't like a boss that takes off work on a Monday to go have wine and cheese at Oakmont and follow Tiger Woods around.

    Policy wise, they may or may not care. They certainly care about the transit cuts. And they care about upheavals in city government.

    But what they care about the most is a Mayor that will respect them. Respect is staying on the job, and not chasing irrelevant stars.

    When the Mayor of Pittsburgh stops acting like a Pittsburgher, there's a bad moon arising.
