June 14, 2007

We have issues!

Issues even beyond our Mayor stalking Tiger Woods during work hours. Here are a few:

A Petition on the War On Iraq

The Pittsburgh Vets Tour belives in SUPPORTING OUR TROOPS BY BRING THEM HOME. To that end, they have created a downloadable petition that you can sign and collect signitures from others.

The Pittsburgh Vets Tour is a city-wide speaking tour featurning Iraq Vets and military families. The tour kicked off on Wednesday, May 23rd.

The Tour is also a vehicle to advance the above linked petition to City Council demanding the immediate withdrawal of all occupying forces in Iraq; reparations for the destruction and corporate pillaging of Iraq so that Iraqi people can control their own lives and future; and full benefits, adequate healthcare (including mental health), and other supports for returning servicemen and women.

What does Pittsburgh City Council have to do with the War on Iraq, you may well ask? Proclamations of this kind help to provide courage to the convictions of our representatives in D.C. who can do something about the war.

Other groups such as The Thomas Merton Center and Democracy for Pittsburgh are supporting the petition drive, but EVERYONE can help gather names. Petition signatures will be collected through September. Although the petition is to be presented to the Pittsburgh City Council, the TMC and the P'VT are encouraging all local residents, county as well as city to sign the petitionas this is not the sort of petition that needs to meet an legal requirements (such as if it were to get a referendum or a candidate on the ballot).

Sudan Divestment Authorization Act

Your help is needed to push an important bill that would help end the violence by empowering states to divest their pension funds from companies that help fund the genocide in Darfur.

Unfortunately, this crucial bill has been stuck in the Senate Banking Committee for the last two months.

When lives are being lost, two months is far too long to sit on such an important bill!
Urge Senator Dodd to make sure the crucial Sudan Divestment Authorization Act comes to a vote on the Senate floor without further delays!

You can CLICK HERE to send your letter now.

Give Greener Cars the Green Light

Even though the debate about global warming has moved from "is it happening?" to "how do we slow it down?" -- meaningful action at the federal level could be a ways off.

And unfortunately, the Bush Administration's EPA is blocking California and 11 other states from implementing tailpipe standards to reduce global warming pollution from cars and SUVs. For nearly a year and a half, the EPA has refused to grant a stamp of approval (called a Clean Air Act "waiver"), and air pollution has been higher than it needs to be.

The public comment period ends this Friday June 15th, so take action right away in support of state-level efforts to combat global warming.

You can CLICK HERE to send a letter to the EPA today.


If you're guessing that I've pretty much just cut-and-pasted this entire post, you're correct, but I'm also doing all the above actions that I'm asking you to do so who has time to rewrite all this shit? ;-)

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