July 10, 2008

Look What Happened Today!

From CBS News:

Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said this morning that the House Judiciary Committee may hold hearings on an impeachment resolution offered by Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio).

Kucinich is expected to offer a "privileged resolution" this afternoon calling on the House to look at whether President Bush should be removed from office for lying to Congress and the American public when he sought congressional approval back in 2002 for taking military action to invade Iraq and overthrow Saddam Hussein.

Personally I'd be happy if they could just grow a spine (or other body part) and get it on the record dubya lied.

Lied his New Haven-born Texas bred AWOL from the TANG butt off.


  1. If there are hearings, and note the word "if," it will be show biz. It will be dog and pony. It will be waving the big white handkechief in the left hand while the right hand diddles the cards and the assistant.

    There will be no impeachment. Insufficient sand.

  2. At this point, I don't see how impeachment would serve the country...yeah, Bush and Cheney deserve it. And Americans know they lied. But I honestly believe people just want to put it all behind them and move on.

  3. John K: The facts of the case. As not reported by the DailyKos and MSNBC. Kucinich reintroduced the charges and dropped them from 27 counts to 1. He did this at the insistence of Pelosi. The previous charges were completely ignored by the House Judiciary Committee. This one lone charge has no legal merit and is just a bone being thrown to Kucinich in an election year.
    But, what the Democrats cannot win in elections, they will try to steal by threats of indictment and impeachment.
    To which I have to ask, so what happened to McClellan. LMAO LMAO

  4. Does John K have a job? a spouse? children? a dog? a hobby? a turtle even?
    Seriously dude, go get a life and stop posting your version of irrelevant republican lies on this blog.
    No one cares what you think or if you have delusions that rush limbaugh's bank account is yours.

  5. "At this point, I don't see how impeachment would serve the country...yeah, Bush and Cheney deserve it. And Americans know they lied. But I honestly believe people just want to put it all behind them and move on."

    It's important to impeach for the sake of protecting checks and balances. Unless Bush, Cheney, et al. are brought to justice, we can expect more unchallenged power grabs and abuses of the Constitution by the executive branch.

  6. screw serving the good of the country! i'm bitter and i'll admit it. did the impeachment circus surrounding bill clinton serve the good of the country? hell no! who did it serve? the neocons! who would the impeachment of this administration serve?? all of us who have been screwed over the last 7 years by these assholes, AND the democrats. who could finally, collectively, demonstrate that they have a backbone!

    i fear they won't ever do it though, because too many of them were likely a party to the crimes and misdemeanors of this administration.

    grumble grumble grumble

  7. John K: Kucinich was thrown an election year bone by Pelosi. He needs this issue to ensure his election with his left wing college crowd. Which is really lame. So how many barrells of oil does this phony impeachment stuff add to the supply? Did it lower the price of gas?
    But it does prove how incompetent you left wingers are. When conservatives impeached Clinton. We impeached him. LOL LOL LOL
    I WIN!

  8. Well, the record of George W bush is not a good one. I think the House could vote out articles of impeachment. But I doubt the Senate would convict, maybe they wouldn't even act on it. If the Senate could find it possible to censure the President, that would be enough for me. But I fear they will not act on the will of th House, assuming the House so wills.

  9. uh, john k... clinton was acquitted. you do realized that the impeachment of president clinton was a massive failure.

    don't you?

    even after the hearings, he STILL had a higher approval rating than bush has had since shortly after 9/11.

  10. John K: No cathcatz, get your terms correct. Clinton was imepached. He was found not guilty in the trial in the Senate. LOL I wonder why I have to come in here and teach basic govt to liberals?
    And it was well worth the money to humiliate Bubba. But then you left wingers are doing the same thing to him now that you support Obama. In fact, you are using some of the same language we used in 1997. LOL LOL LMAO

  11. still, a failure. he was not convicted and forced to leave office. and yes, i understand the terms. i also understand that it's not complete unless validated by the senate during a trial and a 2/3 majority vote to convict.

    from the wiki: "If there is no charge for which a two-thirds majority of the senators present vote "Guilty", the defendant is acquitted and no punishment is imposed."
