August 26, 2008

Faux News Explains "Freedom of Speech"

A Fox News "reporter" tried to mix it up with protesters at the DNC Convention yesterday. When the protesters weren't particularly interested in speaking to him -- and why anyone would want to speak to someone who grabs their arm, shoves a mic in their face and yells at them is beyond me -- the "reporter" claims that this means that they don't believe in freedom of speech.


The following video of the exchange is NOT WORK SAFE because after the "reporter" gets all pissy that no one wants to talk to him (and therefore are "anti freedom of speech"), they start freedom speeching by chanting "Fuck Fox News" and suddenly Fox no longer wants to hear the free flow of speech.

Too funny!



  1. John K: Nice to see FOX news doing its job.

  2. If their job is to agitate rather than report, yes, job well done.

  3. instead of yelling "fuck fox news" i wish that one of them would have granted him an interview and stated the obvious irony of a man FROM faux news speaking about freedom of speech.

    wasted opportunity...

    although, it likely would have ended up on the cutting room floor.

  4. John K: Democrats are so rude.  Do you think any Republican will be yelling F--- Olbermouth?  Nope, they are too polite.  But the left hopes they do.  Which is why they, and they alone, say such things about FOX news.  Heck Cathcatz even insults people with tourettes syndrome.  Shame.

  5. If you think they won't or don't, then you're delusional.

    Here, I did your homework for you:

  6. Meh, just in case you're too lazy to click for yourself, here.

  7. What did Vice President Cheney say to Senator Pat Leahy, John K?

  8. John K: Cheney did call some reporter a major a--. LMAO LMAO But then Jackson said he was going to perform surgery on Obama. And you lefties forgave that. But you won't hear the rank and file Republicans yelling F-- Olbermouth or MSNBC.  Republicans are way too polite.

  9. Wow, you really are obtuse, John. I just gave you proof, but you won't take it. How about some for f*** MSNBC?

  10. "Republicans are way too polite."

    "Softer than butter is their speech, but war is in their hearts. Smoother than oil are their words, but they are unsheathed swords." - Psalm 55:21

  11. the only insult to people with turrets is that you might be among them.


  12. John, you are right, Cheney (and I believe the President) did agree that a reporter was a major ass-hole. But what he said to Leahy, when Leahy went to shake his hand, was that Leahy should go fuck himself.

    But I'll give you this, that crowd in Denver were jerks.

  13. John K: Cathcatz, if you have proof post it.  Jaywillie already is going to apologize to me for calling me a liar when I said Sen. Casey, a pro life person, is going to speak at the DNC convention.  You folks do know that the Catholic Church has already called Nancy Pelosi a liar for her comments about the beginning of life. 

  14. I have no idea what Pelosi said, but I'm not aware of the Catholic Church having anything but a tangential relationship to reality anyway.

  15. John K: Oh Pelosi, LOL LOL LOL With Brokaw last Sunday.  Before she said natural gas was not a fossil fuel.  She stated the Catholic Church had not defined when life began. LMAO But she had researched it church records. LOL The church has quickly spanked her with a terse correction.  To which I ask the left, if life does not begin at conception, exactly why does the left pass out condoms?  To prevent what?

  16. To prevent the man's sperm from entering the woman's (or man's) internal spaces. It does nothing else.

  17. Scratch that. It's a half decent barrier against STDs, too.

  18. proof of what, john k.? i didn't say that you HAD turrets. i merely asked if you've ever been tested.
