August 19, 2008

Keith Olbermann on Senator McCain

In case you missed it.

The transcript.


  1. oooh. that's gonna piss grampy off.

    good on ya' keith!

  2. John K: Yah it might if anyone watched it. LOL LOL LOL

  3. John K: Hey how about this for an Olbermouth rant.  I got this down. First squint your eyes and furrow your brow as if you are mad.  Make sure you look away from the camera now and then with disgust.  Okay:"You, Sen. McCain are on double secret probation.  I have placed you in this category because you have the gall to challenge my candidate.  I intend to enforce this probation by smearing you at every chance I get.  To include telling lies about you Mr. McCain.  I will keep you in this double secret probation status until you run your campaign in the manner in which I, and my fellow liberals, prescribe.  Until you accept the fact that I and my fellow Daily.Kos minions have the Constitutional right to control your campaign you will remain in double secret probation.  I would also remind you, Mr. McCain, that the founding fathers, of which you have no respect, never wanted two political parties.  Time for you to give up your political party and surrender your beliefs to me  and my political party."  Do I know liberals or what. LMAO LMAO LOL And what's really funny, as many people read that as watch Olbermouth. LMAO

  4. john... you listen religiously to a bloviated, drug addicted, chickenhawk liar.

    you have NO ROOM to criticize.

  5. bloviated drug addicted, chickenhawk liar.
    For a minute there I thought you were talking about B.H. Obama.

  6. and then you realized that i could actually be talking about cindy mccain too???

  7. Are you even trying, Heir?

    Does someone need to define the word chickenhawk for you?

  8. John K: Yah I do listen to Limbaugh. Every chance I get.  Occasionally I listened to Cullen. About once every three months.  But I used to watch her on PCNC more than listen.  Especialy when Delano was on. I tried to listen to MacIntire when he was on 93.7FM but most of his stuff was Beavis and Butthead stuff which made no sense.  So I stopped.  I hope wptt retains Laura Ingraham.  But Ron Morris will do just fine. 

  9. John K states: "John K: Blah blah blah lefties blah blah. LOL LOL LOL. Blah blah blah blah I love McCain blah blah blah. LMAO LMAO LOL. Do I know liberals or what. LOL

  10. John K: Bob, stay where you are. Don't touch anything with electricity running thru it or sharp objects.  We are sending help and you will soon be taken care of by people in nice white shirts who talk very calmly in low tones.  Till they get there tune into Limbaugh and enjoy yourself.

  11. don't touch anything with electricity running thru it?

    you mean like the showers that halibuton put in for our troops??!!

    (speaking of chicken hawks)

  12. How cute...John's projecting his experiences on to other people.

  13. The image link would be improved greatly if the "Play" button were moved down just a little, thereby covering Olbermann's mouth completely. Just saying.
