September 9, 2008

No Maverick Ad

That last line ("a naked lie") is telling. It's from the New Republic and has to do with the claim by the McCain camp that Palin "stopped the bridge to nowhere."

You're looking for the proof? Take a look. Talking Points Memo has video:

She supported the bridge to no where. She supported the road to the bridge to nowhere. She supported getting more congressional earmarks. How can the McCain camp get away with such obvious lies?


  1. John K: How, because the left lives on pork. Only person pledged to stop pork, and meaning it, is the maverick McCain. Got a problem with pork, which you don't, you ought to be protesting that tunnel under the river built with pork especially for the Rooneys. And the Rooneys support Hussein Obama.

  2. John K: Biden and Obama voted for the bridge twice.
