September 8, 2008


If you do ONE thing about voting machines this year:
Sign up by 5:00pm TODAY to speak to County Council Tues

Do you know that we have no idea what software is actually on our voting machines in Allegheny County? Shouldn't we take a peek?

In the two years since our voting machines have arrived from a factory in the Philippines, the voting software has never been audited for authenticity. We are asking for public software audits that compare our voting software with the software certified by the Secretary of the Commonwealth. "Unauthorized patches" have been used illegally in other states by the voting machine vendors. Allegheny County promised to verify our voting software. Now, we are calling for the Board of Election to hold a special meeting to make software verification happen. We are asking for public observation of a random sample audit of the voting software on 40 voting machines. The media are willing to cover this if we can make a show of public support.

What you can do:

1) Sign up by 5:00 PM TODAY at this website:

2) Show up on Tuesday (Sept. 9th) at the County Council Meeting (4th Floor, County Courthouse - Gold Room) to say the magic words:
"Please, Verify Our Voting Software!"
(Actual speaking time is likely to be between 5:30 and 6:30, after various proclamations.)

3) Let Richard King of VotePA know that you'll be speaking. Email:

Let's make it happen!


  1. yes, we should. no matter your political party, look into this.


  2. John K: Well, if there isn't a clearer definition of the fact that McCain/Palin are going to sweep this election it is this. Left wing kooks whining about voting machines. I noticed the left wing did not whine a bit in the Nov 2006 election. Same machines are in use now. I suppose when the Democrats win there is always an exception.

  3. short memory there john.

    quite a few people have been complaining about these voting machines since before they were put into/forced upon all of us.

    you should care too.

  4. fart-in-the-wind-JohnK only cares about attempting to aggrevate others.

  5. John K: Guess again Homer. When the Democrats took the congress in 2006 nary a whine from the left about voting machines. All this is doing is setting up a lame excuse for your defeat in Nov. You can smell it and are preparing the lawsuits.

  6. John K: To refresh your brains on the voting machines, the cord going into the wall provides electrical power. That is it. It does not transmit data. These are also the same machines used in May 2008 when Hillary Clinton took PA. No whining there eh? What do you left wing kooks think. Dan Onorato, a Democrat, is going to rig an election? Take the tin foil off your heads and rejoin the human race. If anyone should be worried it should be me.

  7. you can not BE that clueless and still be able to breathe on your own.

    therefore, you must be a joke.

  8. John K: The big joke after the 2006 election is the left never challenged any voting machines. Why? The Democrats won. Same machines being used this Nov were used last May. Give me the name of the person who intends to hack into these machines so we can have them arrested. Or face reality. You left wing kooks are setting up a Nov excuse.
