October 13, 2008

Hey, Look!

Miami-Dade College, February 20, 2006:
Leaders from a diverse array of sectors will hold a rally in Miami on Thursday, February 23, 2006, in support of comprehensive immigration reform in an effort to keep immigration reform at the forefront of the public debate. Leaders from both political parties, immigrant communities, labor, business, and religious organizations will gather to call on Washington to enact workable reform.

The rally will feature Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) as the headline speaker along with elected officials, immigrants and key local and national leaders. Sen. McCain is one of the chief sponsors of the Secure America and Orderly Immigration Act; bipartisan, comprehensive immigration reform legislation introduced last Congress and scheduled for consideration by the Senate in the coming weeks. A similar rally with Sen. McCain is planned for New York City on February 27.
And who sponsored the rally?  Guess:
The rally in Miami is being sponsored by the New American Opportunity campaign (NAOC) in partnership with ACORN, Catholic Legal Services - Archdiocese of Miami, Florida Immigrant Advocacy Center, Florida Immigrant Coalition, Miami Dade College, People for the American Way/Mi Familia Vota en Acción, Service Employees International Union, and UNITE HERE.
McCain in partnership with ACORN?  But aren't they exactly what's wrong with 'Murika?


  1. John K: So when does acorn start registering Republicans? Hussein Obama gave them 800,000 in US dollars. LMAO LOL LOL McCain and acorn. LOL LOL yah right.

  2. do you actually think that someone "registered" to vote by one of acorn's day workers, by the name of Mick E. Mouse, Mike Hunt, Peter Gazinya, Emerson Titties or Jack Mahogoff will show up at ANY polling place????

    it's all smoke and mirrors.

  3. John K: Yes cathcatz. Not only that but some will show up at more than one polling place. Which is why acorn registers the same person multiple times. At worst they raise a fuss and fill out a provisional ballot. But then they do not really need to show up to vote. Some of those acorn registered people send in absentee ballots filled in of course by acorn people. Which is why acorn waits till the last day to file those registerations. Causes confusion in the county verification offices. Gee Cathcatz, you been outed. Have to try a different tack eh? LOL LOL LOL LMAO

  4. John K: So how many names and addresses did you use Cathcatz?

  5. john, you're an idiot, plain and simple.

    ACORN hires homeless people to register voters. they are paid by the numbers. they add fake names to the lists in an attempt to get more money. it's not right, but it's certainly no conspiracy to get more votes for the democrats.

    you guys are far worse problems than this whole made up mess.

  6. If you are a new registrant, you need to show up at the polling place with ID that shows your name and address. That means that you can't vote under a phony name and you can't vote in a polling place that's wrong for your home address. So unless Mickey Mouse has a driver's license under that name, he can't vote. He could enter a provisional ballot but that will get examined by the board of elections to make sure that it's valid. So how exactly does this voter fraud happen?

    The information for PA is right here.

  7. Excellent contribution, GeneW. News reports have made it clear that ACORN (rather stupidly) were giving temp jobs to those who really looked like they needed them. I think some ACORN offices also provided the extra incentive of paying by each registration. I believe a lot of these temp workers stood out in the heat and made an honest attempt to register people. I have already relayed my story of how some get out the vote worker allowed me to register as a republican years ago. But clearly some of the ACORN temp workers retreated to nice air conditioned libraries and manufactured voter registrations, or registered people more than once. They defrauded ACORN, although if it were up to them I am sure ACORN would not want to prosecute. But as GeneW points out, in Pennsylvania and I suspect in many states, newly registered voters have to bring some ID. On the downside, though, states with Republican governors may use this issue as an excuse to purge the rolls of thousands or tens of thousands of new voters. They may simply target all the Democrats.

    This is a perennial problem. I know the local news stations run stories during election cycles about the thousands of voters with incorrect information on the voter rolls. It seems once you get on the rolls, its hard to get removed. But most of the thousands are people who have died or moved (although some are father and son, where the Junior or Senior didn’t make it onto registration form). Almost always the stories end saying there have been only a few cases of actual voter fraud, in the single digits.

    I see, John K., that you are honoring John McCain’s request to be respectful.

  8. John K: LOL LOL Go to Rushlimbaugh.com. Play today's tape between 1:15 to 1:30 PM. A caller named Carol, from Pittsburgh, called and gave the whole rundown on acorn in a clear statement. LMAO LMAO I could not have said it better. Problem with you left wing kooks, you can't intimidate everyone. LMAO LMAO And that pisses you off.

  9. Now, johnk, before we waste our time going to rush's web site, ...What was it about "Carol from Pittsburgh" that gave her expertise on the subject of ACORN? Why is her opinion on the subject any better than anyone else's?
