October 13, 2008

Not Everyone

No, not everyone who's opposing Senator Obama's candidacy is a racist.

But this guy is:

An Obama Monkey.

(h/t to Chris Potter at the City Paper)


  1. John K: So this guy makes racist comments like Rev Wright and Rep John Lewis? I don't think so.

  2. johnk,

    Give me a quote, with a source, for ANY "racist" comment that John Lewis has ever made.

  3. John K: KImber LMAO LMAO Beck just read them on the radio to Sen. McCain asking that Hussein Obama refutiate them. FOX news ran the quotes yesterday. Lewis the racist and Kimber the enabler. LMAO LMAO Get a union thug on it Kimber. LOL

  4. "refutiate"? I see you are honoring John McCain request of his supporters to be more respectful, John K.

  5. C'mon, johnk.

    Just give me one "racist" quote from John Lewis.

    Just one.

    If it's as you say, it shouldn't be too tough to do, now, should it?

  6. That's some pretty sick stuff Dayvoe.

    Just remember though, McCain has tried to shut his freaks up. Obama waits 20 years to do so.

  7. really? has he done anything to correct the misinformation during one of his rallies? did he tell that woman, in no uncertain terms, that obama is NOT an arab? or further tell her that even if he was, that it shouldn't matter?

    its pathetic. mccain's supporters still feel that it's perfectly okay to hate, based on fear, ignorance, racism. nope, nuthin' wrong with that.
