January 17, 2010

BRESMA Updates - Latest News (Updated 1x)

UPDATE: Most recent news here (1/18/10, 6:30 AM ET).

10/17/10, 4:30 AM ET, from the sister-in-law of the McMutrie sisters:

10/16/10, 10:27 PM ET:
An AP report which was apparently also mentioned on CNN yesterday made it seem as though all 150 children from the Brebis de Saint Michel de L'Attalaye (BRESMA) orphanage in Port-au-Prince -- run by Pittsburgh (Ben Avon) sisters Jamie and Ali McMutrie -- had received clearance to leave Haiti and come to Pittsburgh.

That is false.

As the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette and the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review report, the truth is far more complicated.

There may be some movement on getting some children out of Haiti, but nothing seems to be truly settled as of now. The children and the McMutrie sisters are all still in Haiti and no one, at this point, knows exactly if and when they will get out and exactly where they will end up if evacuated. The complications in getting all the orphans out of Haiti are numerous because of the differing status of the children. Some are far along in the adoption process, but many more are not. Additionally, the adoptive parents are scattered throughout the US and the world.

A small bit of good news: according to Ali Pace, who is a sister-in-law of the McMutrie sisters, the orphanage received a small amount of water and supplies last night. They had run out of water entirely on Saturday.

Also, the donations of goods received at the drop-off point in the North Side of Pittsburgh yesterday was a great success and no more donations are being accepted as of now. You can still donate to the orphanage at: http://www.centeroflife.net/haiti.

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