January 17, 2010

Senator Centerfold?

Republican US Senatorial Candidate Scott Brown

Maybe you've heard: Massachusetts will vote for a US Senator in a special election on Tuesday (this is Ted Kennedy's old seat). The race is between Democratic Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley and Republican State Sen. Scott Brown.

Coakley hasn't exactly fired up Democrats and President Obama will be campaigning with her in Massachusetts today. A loss for Coakley will of course mean that Democrats lose their magic 60 seat advantage in the Senate (which hasn't really been so magical if you ask me). No 60 seat majority may very well mean no health care reform.

Moreover, Brown is a tea-bagger, bankster lover, and denier of aid to 9/11 workers, who doesn't even provide health care insurance to his own staff, and who's basically called President Obama a bastard.

As if that weren't enough, he also was a nude Cosmo centerfold model (which apparently doesn't matter if you're a dude) whose daughter was on American Idol -- I'm thinking Balloon Boy's Father. Yeah, that's exactly who we need in Ted Kennedy's old seat.

The polls have been all over the place, but there is a clear trend showing Brown ahead.

If you don't want a Senator Centerfold, please make some calls for Coakley here.

The Republicans are already trying to jam Coakley phone banks so anything you can do will help. (You also might want to consider contributing to Coakley's campaign as Brown has been taking in a million dollars a day in the last week.)


  1. Let's see a little about Martha Coakley.. seems as though she..
    - Worked to keep Amaraulet (sp?) in prison after parole board voted 5-0 for his release (after it was very very clear all the allegations were false),
    - Refused to pursue bribery case against the MA legislator who was caught on camera stuffing money in her bra,
    - Refused to pursue another bribery case against a MA legislative leader,
    - In the debate said, "There are no terrorists in Afghanistan". /snort
    - Showed her disdain for meeting and greeting voters (the "Fenway Park" comment,
    - Showed her ignorance by referring to Curt Schilling as a "Yankee fan" (for those of you who don't know, Schilling was a pitcher for the Red Sox.. a highly successful and popular pitcher who won a game against the Yankees while his foot bled),
    - Took ~10 days off after the primary so she could vacation; apparently she thought she would automatically crowned Senator. Wrong.

    All of the above are facts, not innuendos like you have referenced in your post. Sourcing Huffington and DailyKos? There's 2 outstanding news sources for ya. /snort

    The Cosmos centerfold has been out there a while in the race, so no big news and no smoking gun like you liberals would like it to be.

    I've been following this race. I gave $$ to Brown.

    Can't wait until the wailing and knashing of teeth when he wins, assuming the Democrats don't pull any funny tricks (see ACORN, see Dead Voters, etc.). Coakley's numbers have fallen like a rock - and that's another fact.

    Of course, should Brown win, I fully expect the Democrats to stall certification so they can ram the HC bill down our throat.

  2. It is amazing to me that a liberal like yourself would have a problem with Scott Brown posing in Cosmo. I would think that a state that continually elected a man like Ted Kennedy (who left Mary Jo to die while he went home and didn't bother to call anyone to help her since he couldn't seem to manage helping her himself) wouldn't really be shocked at this centerfold picture taken many years ago. But even most Libs & definitely independents might struggle with the truths about Coakley already mentioned by Conservative Mountaineer. But he missed one:
    October 2005: The curling-iron toddler rape case. Coakley brings no charges, then lets the rapist out on no bail.“I’ve been a cop for over 26 years and this is one of the most — if not the most — horrific cases I’ve ever seen.” Police Detective Sgt. Barry Campbell
    Even in a place like Boston, which has seen its share of horrific sex crimes in recent years, such as the Jeffrey Curley rape and murder in 1997, this was particularly unsettling.
    No wonder the police union is supporting Brown!

  3. I don't much about either candidate. But surely you can't be serious I citing her lack of knowledge of baseball as evidence that she would be a poor senator. I realize running a campaign is a proxy for holding office, but we can at least agree that there are differences between good campaigners and effective legislators. And as for hypocrisy regarding sexual morality, it's the social conservatives who are consistently guilty of that.

  4. Well, CM, you don't actually provide links for your allegations, so you have nerve complaining about Dailykos and Huffington Post. I mean, obviously there are no rules here, but to slime Maria about her sources and then provide none? Conservative commenters contempt for fairness is displayed again.

    But past that, I still can't understand why conservatives want to kill health care/insurance reform. Regardless of the bull excrement conservatives want to say about Europe, all European countries either have a single payer plan (apparently usually with some private insurance) (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Health_Service_%28England%29), (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_Health_Care) or a heavily regulated system with a mix of a public plan and private (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Health_care_in_Switzerland). Again, despite the bull ex- … er, rhetoric of conservatives, Europe is not a slum or poverty stricken. True some countries have higher tax rates but also those countries have lower rates of poverty (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy_of_Denmark), (http://www.oecd.org/document/53/0,3343,en_2649_33933_41460917_1_1_1_1,00.html). My point being that other capitalist countries like those in Europe and like Japan have used government means (either directly or through regulation) to provide their citizens with health care. Why? I think it is because explicitly or implicitly other countries have realized the free market can’t provide health care efficiently. The perfect example is the United States. I realize conservatives want to reduce the patchwork of current feeble government regulations as their plan for reform. But allowing insurance companies to compete by offering plans across state lines seems to me will just make it harder to make sure people are scammed by unscrupulous insurance companies. Don’t get me wrong, I love the idea that the internet allows me or anyone else to find great bargains cheap and/or unusual items from all over. But health insurance needs to be more reliable than some video card you might buy over the internet. We need reliable workers, who get prompt health care or don’t go broke providing health care to sick spouses or children.

    I know conservatives want to say that government provided or more highly regulated health insurance will bankrupt us all with higher taxes. But what is employer based health insurance doing now? Companies are paying between four and eight thousand now for single individuals (of which the employee pays between nothing and maybe a hundred bucks a month) and the companies pay twelve thousand or more for families (or which the families might contribute as much as $250). Of course, the working uninsured ignore dangerous health issues, or seek treatment and sometimes go bankrupt. These things can not be good for the economy. Meanwhile, I want to point out that if taxes go up to pay for a government run health insurance plan, the prices for all goods and services will no longer support employer based health insurance. People will no longer be telling banks that they can’t pay mortgages and/or credit card debt because of health care cost related bankruptcy. Plus as I say people will not have the cost incentive to avoid health care.

    But conservatives want to block all this. The Congressional plan is far from perfect, but Republicans could have worked to better it, if they were not simply trying to block every Democratic plan, apparently in an effort to destroy America because it did not vote them in. Why do Republicans hate America?

  5. Here is a link for you Ed.
    Just remember <a href="http://www.popehat.com/2010/01/15/liberal-fascism-the-not-so-secret-history-of-martha-coakley/>how Martha Coakley promotes fairness and Justice</a>.
    Lobbied to keep a innocent man Gerald Amirault in prison after he was railroaded by Acorn white washer/Apologist Scott Harshbarger.

    Tried to sweep under the rug the case against policeman Keith Winfield, who was convicted of raping a twenty-three month old baby with a hot curling iron. Turns out the father of the defendant, a union representative, was raising money and obtaining endorsements for her campaign for Massachusetts Attorney General.

    Argued in front of the United States Supreme Court “that bothering prosecutors to produce hostile witnesses (in this case forensic examiners) in compliance with the Sixth Amendment, is just too burdensome.”

    I await the typical progressive defense of swiftboating/smears to refute these inconvenient parts of her career.

  6. Http: I see by accessing the one link you posted (which contained an error keeping it from being clickable) and then following a further link that there are complications in the Amirault case.

    It sounds like both candidates have made mistakes in their career. But you seem to be willing to forgive the candidate that refused money for volunteers who helped with 9/11, yet voted to spend money the same month on a golf course.

    Meanwhile, you didn't address my question about health care. Instead you want to be snide, snorting and contemptuous. I guess I am right, conservatives just want to destroy America (and also the planet) because they hate it.

  7. Oops, meant to say HTTT, not HTTP. Freudian slip.

  8. Ed,
    The harpy that you and progressives support is worst than and more of a political hack than Mary Beth Buchanan.
    I plan to remind progressives of their support for Martha Coakley the next time they criticize Mary Beth Buchanan about anything.

    Progressives should embrace the talking point that a convicted sex offender Gerald Amirault supports Scott Brown.
