January 13, 2010

Haitian Orphanage With Pittsburgh Connection Needs Help Now (Updated 2x)

UPDATE 2: Most recent news here (1/18/10, 6:30 AM ET).

For background on the BRESMA orphanage in Port-au-Prince and Ben Avon sisters Jamie and Ali McMutrie who run it, please read here.

What you need to know is that the children are now living in the yard and that the babies won't live long on contaminated water. The sisters expect rioting to break out within two days and they are trying to evacuate all the children from Haiti.

Only private planes are getting out now. So, if you somehow know someone who has or can get a private plane -- yes, we're talking a heavy hitter, folks -- please direct them to this blog post [here] by PittGirl who knows the sisters personally and has messages from them on her blog.

UPDATE: http://2politicaljunkies.blogspot.com/2010/01/cnn-video-of-bresma-orphanage.html


  1. I wish I knew someone who had a plane! My husband and I have been thinking about adoption. So, I have been searching this story all evening. We now know that we would love to be able to adopt a child from Haiti. What else can be done to help these children to get to the US? Also, do you know if there are going to be any special processes put into place to help to get these children into loving homes sooner thatn usual?

  2. They passed the huge hurdle of getting them emergency visas, so right now the need is for a plane for 150 people.

    I believe that virtually all, if not all, the kids from the BRESMA orphanage are already well into the adoption process. It typically takes up to 2 years to adopt from Haiti.

    I don't know if they'll speed up the adoption process in general. Right now, the country basically has no governement...

    You can keep following this particular story at http://thatschurch.com
